People say getting bored in long-term relationships is not only common, but normal, but what is it that keeps you in that relationship when the boring phase is happening/what keeps you interested?

  1. Good question. I dont know. Just never got boring even after 6 years, in fact things keep getting better. I would say it’s probably the unwillingness to committing to the whole package that is a relationship, bad things included, which can lead to doubting the love you have for your partner

  2. married 22 years, the boredom is what keeps things interesting. it’s comforting and predictable, like your favorite pair of old jeans or sneakers.

    even our predictable, routine sex life is nice. it literally fits like a glove. interpret that any way you like.

    i’ve had enough chaos, uncertainty, and anxiety for one lifetime. i want things to be the same all the time.

    my wife is currently out doing something boring with her boring friends, sitting in some boring coffee shop complaining about their boring jobs. i’d bet my life that she ISN’T out screwing around, just like she’d bet her life that i’m currently at home munching pizza and wasting time on reddit instead of talking to Some Slut.

    just like my boring old wife would be so boring that she’d actually sleep in a chair in my hospital room if something happened to me. and i’d do the same for her, because my life is literally so boring that i have nothing more important or pressing that requires my presence or energy.

    especially in the modern world’s dating climate….no thank ya. i’ll keep being bored and sleeping soundly at night.


    i realize this probably isn’t the answer you’re looking for, but it’s the truth. contentment is very rewarding. unless you’re being abused, the concept “there’s something/someone better out there” is generally baloney.

  3. She’s emotionally intelligent. She has emotions just like the rest of us, but she never allows solely her emotions to dictate her actions.

    Also, we have more sex than I can handle. That helps the most. My balls are so empty all the time that I don’t have the energy to get upset about anything. Life is good

  4. Keep living our own lives, having new experiences, meeting new people, growing and introspecting. You’ll always be new to each other.

  5. YOu can’t expect your partner to be your whole life and entertain you constantly. Have hobbies and do things without her. Then you’ll come to appreciate the comfort of a long term relationship and not try to constantly inject excitement into it.

  6. She actively listens and makes it known that my needs/happiness/dreams/goals are important to her. She makes an effort to be a good partner and we tackle any issues together and not me vs her.

    Oh and an amazing non-vanilla sex life. Spicy vanilla if you will.

  7. Nothin, she does absolutely nothing and continuous to become more boring and less interesting with every passing year.

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