Why does nobody like me? Am I not good enough? Is there something wrong with me? I’m so tired.
I can’t tell my parents because they’ll deny it and get mad at me.
I hate myself.

  1. We all do sometimes. But if those symptoms are chronic, get a physical checkup and share ALL your symptoms, physical, psychological, emotional. In some cases you might get lucky and find something physical such as a food allergy is responsible for all of that.

    Sorry if you feel your parents aren’t supportive; hope you can find someone who is.

  2. well is there anything you like about yourself? See if you can focus on those more often than you focus on the parts that you hate. There is a healthy middle ground here. Focusing on your strengths while acknowledging your weaknesses shows maturity. Focusing on your strengths despite your weaknesses shows confidence. But go too far, and focusing on your strengths while downplaying your weaknesses becomes shameless.

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