So this story actually happened a few months ago when I met a lady at the hospital (we were both hospitalised) and we used to talk and everything and I remember her being very flirty, giving compliments etc., And when she was about to leave the hospital she looked for me and didn’t find me, and eventually at the end we met just before she left, and she told me I was looking for you and we set and talked then I told her so this is going to be the last time we talk and she said no I’ll give you my number and she just gave me her number without me even asking but the question is why? Is this just friendly or what? I do remember her being very flirty though. And she could have said yeah but it was nice meeting you, but instead she gave me her number. So idk what was on her mind and what intentions she had

  1. So, instead of calling her and finding out months ago, you ignore her and ask here? She’s moved on, but she was probably interested in being your friend, at the least. Being intimate, at max.

  2. She was into you. Women do not give out their number unless she is into you or there is a pressing need.

  3. She either sees friendship in you or she’s into you. I won’t give my number out to anyone unless if I see them as a potential friend or partner.

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