I had been dating a guy and it was going great. Lots of chemistry and had a lot of fun together. About three months in, he was having a friend visit town and he asked me for recommendations.

I had a weird feeling about it, especially since he didn’t invite me to meet the person. I didn’t say anything… I just let it pass.

After the visit, when I asked him about it, he acted a bit weird and sketchy and when pressed acknowledged that it was a woman who had visited.

About a week later, I found out it was his ex girlfriend of many years….. when I confronted him about it, he said “he didn’t feel it was necessary to tell me.”

What do you think? What would you do?

  1. You should ask him straight up: Was it a romantic visit? Did you sleep together? Do you have feelings for her?

    Then determine if you believe him. 3 months together could mean you just met or you’re very close and entering a serious relationship. If it’s more the latter then he should have told you upfront IMO and hiding it is concerning.

  2. A) Accept being lied to

    B) Accept being lied to and cheated on

    C) Leave

    Pretty much the options, his behavior is definitely dishonest, the variable is how you feel about it

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