I (F23) lately found out I’m in 8th week of pregnancy with my boyfriend (M26) and we’re happily expecting a baby, even tho it was not planned, but we love each other even more after this.

My question comes to – is that okay to have sex while being pregnant? I feel my drive towards the boyfriend got stronger lately as my love for him develops after getting pregnant.
Is it restricted to some time when it’s not recommended? Is it safe for the baby, especially when it gets bigger?

Tl;dr got pregnant but want to have sex with my boyfriend and i dont know if i should

Thanks in advance!

  1. Ask your doctor. From my, 49M, experience, my wife and I had sex up until the baby was born. The only restrictions were what was comfortable for her.

  2. You’re fine. You might find only certain positions being comfortable as you get larger or mood changes as you go, but go enjoy being together while the mood and body allows. People have had sex while pregnant forever.

  3. Absolutely safe, as long as you’re comfortable. If you happen to experience any bleeding afterwards, make sure you get yourself checked out. Otherwise, go for it!

  4. Yes, sex during pregnancy if okay. Just make sure you are taking it easy, nothing too wild, and there are not typically any issues. On the bright side, you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. 🙂

  5. With our first I had to get it out of my head that she was pregnant because I was afraid to hurt her and our baby. Once I got past that, looking back, pregnant sex was some of my favorite sex we’ve ever had.

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