How do you handle anxiety when your partner is out of town?

  1. I remember my worth, stay mindful and I change my train of thoughts to positivity instead of spinning out. I know my partner loves me and I don’t need constant reassurance from them.

  2. If my partner is out of town any anxiety I might have is around his safety. He often goes on climbing trips for days at a time.

    I reassure myself by remembering that he’s smart and careful and knows exactly what he’s doing. We have a GPS device as well that lets him send me texts to give his location, and say that he’s safe and give his general status. That helps a ton.

  3. The only thing I had anxiety about was his safety, as mentioned by another user. I overcame this by buying him a portable charger and a portable battery car Jumpstart kit in case he was ever stranded.

    There was no other reason for me to have anxiety until I realized he was lying about things and hiding his phone. After that, I would ask for reassurance if and when I needed it. Eventually I just ended it.

    So, if it’s something that can be managed or dealt with, I.e. car breaking down, I would look up what could alleviate your stress > portable Jumpstarter.

    If it’s something that you have anxiety about from previous relationships, tell your partner why you have that anxiety and that you need reassurance bc of xyz reason and it’s not indicative of your partners personality, but because of your past experiences (if your partner won’t hold it against you). It could be – text or (video) call in the morning/night; keep in touch throughout the day is possible, etc.

    If you have anxiety because your partner has given you reason to be anxious, then it might be good to consider what you need most in this situation.

  4. Something that helps me the most with my anxiety is knowledge. What do you fear most when your partner is gone? If it’s something like safety, you might look into some local self defense classes or read up on ways to ensure your home is secure.

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