There are plenty of stories of guys making women uncomfortable,but what are some stories about a woman making you,a man uncomfortable?

  1. I saw a woman on the subway drop a bagel with cream cheese on the floor then pick it up and continue eating it as if it wasn’t the floor of a subway car ..

    She made me feel so uncomfortable with her actions and how comfortable she was with them..

  2. I work in a female dominated industry (education). There is a guy at my work place who has additional needs. He’s like capable of living independently but he is on the spectrum. He works like 15 hours a week doing sports clubs and thing.

    So, this guy was left in charge of some kids and put some content on YouTube in the classroom. It was a bad choice of stuff to show and the staff were discussing him innthe staff room. However, it basically descended into how ugly he is and how none of the teachers would fuck him. I was the only guy in the room.

    I took objection with two things;
    1) He’s mentally handicapped – talking about fucking him is really creepy.

    2) imagine a woman in a room full of men talking about how they would or wouldn’t fuck a girl in the office.

  3. When I was younger about (16yrs) I got my first job life guarding for the summer. Part of the job was to teach swimming lessons at all the different lakes for a week at a time.

    My boss was a woman (40yrs) who would show up at the end of the week and move my gear to the next spot.

    One visit she tried to get up all over me and hook up. I remember feeling all creeped out because his lady, my boss was trying to feel me up. I was 16 yrs old and she was 40yrs old. I avoided contact with her the rest of the summer.

  4. Got invited by some chicks on the debate team to a LGBT club, was walking through, this woman, about 50 grabbed me and planted a kiss on my lips

  5. I work in retail (studying) and a few times customers have hit on me. Like thank you but not the time or place, there are four customers standing behind you waiting to be served

  6. This happened last year. My mom had Covid and was busy taking her to hospital, paying bills and stuff. She was in emergency room for 2-3 days and I was so scared. I informed my ex my situation but instead of supporting me, she thought I was ignoring her and drove to my place to make sure I was telling her the truth. And then this how the conversation went:

    She: why are you ignoring me?
    Me: What? I’m not, I was busy taking care of my mom and I’m so scared and stressed out.
    She: oh I thought you were planning on ghosting me and breaking up with me.
    Me: Why would I do that? I clearly both texted you and called you and told you what I have been going through.
    She: I’m sorry, I have hard time trusting men.

  7. I once made the mistake of telling a regular client my second name. She looked me up on social media and started sending me flirty messages. I had to pretend to be interested as I valued her as a client. That was awkward.

  8. I made friends with some ladies, and one kept trying to unpants me when we used to partake together. One night my inebration wore off rather quickly and I woke up, on the couch pants almost down and her naked. I never made moves on her. I *never* make moves. Im terrified of being that kind of scary to a woman. Im also demisexual (i need emotional and mental stimulation to engage in sex). I didnt feel that way about her, but she said my erection was proof it was ok. I left (she tried to stop me and I ended up climbing out the window.

    TL;DR: my last lady friend molested me in my sleep, said that my arousal means consent, invalidated my sexuality and I pulled an Ezio.

  9. A friend’s girlfriend has this habit of sitting on other men’s laps everytime she gets a few drinks in her. It makes for a very awkward situation because it’s difficult to just shove her off of you.

  10. Was walking through the local mall and went past a group of teenagers (1 girl, 2 boys) about 15-16 years old

    Heard the girl point me out to her friends and say something along the lines of “hes hot id let him do things to me,” to which the two guys responded “hes way too old for u, thats creepy!”

    I was in my mid 20s, and while i was somewhat flattered, i noped the fuck out and just walked out the store, pretending not to hear anything

  11. I dated a woman for a while who accused me of having sexual feelings towards my sister. That is seriously the most fucked up thing anyone has ever said to me. How insecure are you if you’re jealous of your bf’s close relationship with his family?

  12. When I was in 7th grade I was in class doing some book work. My female teacher at the time came behind me and start massaging my shoulders. When she started doing that she asked me if I liked it. I did not I was so fucking uncomfortable.

  13. i have always been disgusted by the way women treat good looking hosts/waiters in upscale restaurants i’ve been to. one time the ladies were just passing the guy around the table to take pics/vids with him curling up next to him and grabbing his face…it was mortifying to watch

  14. None of mine are sexual, sorry to you wankers.

    I work in an office that has a majority of women. I’ve been friendly with a few folks there but I’ve kept mostly to myself, treated it as a regular old job rather than a place to socialize.

    One woman there is close to my age, she’s friendly to everyone and made a really welcoming impression when I was hired. She’s since told lots of personal details of her life which ranged from how petty and narcissistic her child’s father (stuff about access to their child and taxes) is to implying she was with him because he has a huge dick and knows how to use it. I was asking how she tolerated being around him long enough to have a kid, not asking about their sex life.

    Another woman there accidentally cut herself with my small slip joint pocket knife I gave her to open a bag of candy, nothing major but definitely there. She complained about the office medical kit not having any black skin tone matching band-aids. Later I checked and found one and brought it to her only for her to, in front of another coworker she knew well but I did not, joke with me about being almost racist. She was laughing so loudly at the absolutely horrified expression on my face that several people asked what was so funny. For like 15 minutes this lady implied I cut her then gave her a brown colored bandaid cause I’m quasi-racist. She may have been joking but I was scared I was about to get cancelled.

  15. When I was working this construction site job my female coworker, who was a bit older than me, pretty nice but really chatty, maybe have been spying on me in the Porta-Potty. At least, HR called me saying they’d gotten a report about it, asked me if it was true; I had no idea but that same coworker steered well clear of me from then on

  16. Recently, I was staying at this Airbnb and the woman was coming onto me strongly. Which I found repulsive as I am only there to rent a room not spread my seed. The next morning I overheard her conversation in the adjoining room with her friend. In which she said she is trying to get pregnant, is taking hormones and is in a program to increase her fertility. That she was sleeping around to make it happen and her friend was worried about her contracting a disease.

    I gtfo asap. On top of this the place was filthy. She said sorry for not cleaning it. But she was home all day.

    You know you are desperate when you leave a first world country and try to get pregnant in a third world country. I felt really bad for her. But from the way she was treating me I could see why no one wanted to contribute to that.

    She had this dissolutioned look on her face when we would have basic interactions. Like the little thinking component was not always there in her brain. It was quite unsettling.

  17. A tall drunk woman came up to me on the street and really wanted to shake my hand for some reason lol.

  18. The vast majority of the people at my work are woman. Two of the people there are always touching me (like dragging their hands on my sides, nothing sexual) as they pass by and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. All I can say is “no” because they don’t speak any English and I dont speak any Spanish. But they never stop.

  19. At concerts, sports events and similar kinds of public venues, you pretty much get used to women coming into the men’s restrooms to do their business – the lines just get way too long at the women’s. Generally, you ignore it, just do your thing and get out. The only time I was uncomfortable was when a woman at a concert walked along the line of men standing at the urinals, looking each one over the shoulder. That was a bit much.

  20. A woman I’m my old office casually brought up how she randomly would slap her boyfriend across the face.

    She goes on to say she dosnt know why she does it. She just does. The other people in the office seem to get a kick out of it including the other men.

    I mention its criminal what she does and if she was a man she would be in jail right now.

    The women then scould me and say I’m making a big deal out of nothing. Or it’s not my business. Others mention how they do it too to “keep they’re boyfriends in line”

    Fucking double standards. I hate it so much. And the view so many people seem to have where women are angelic and can do no wrong.

  21. I had an older women tell me that she wants to have sex with my dad once. Pretty awkward after that

  22. This was a little while back when plenty of fish was big. I was browsing it late one night and noticed a girl that looked super familiar. It was an ex from high school and I had forgotten people could see who visited their profile. She messaged me almost instantly as I viewed her profile. We ended up chatting a bit and made plans to catch up. Long story short, we meet up and one thing leads to another and we end up at her place. After we hook up, we’re talking and she’s switching between insulting me and talking about all of the people from out high school class who were married. It really rubbed me the wrong way and I just left.

  23. Had a girl I used to date who would try to slam liquor down my mouth when she was drunk. I’m not a big drinker but this made me extremely uncomfortable and I almost ended the relationship early because of it.

    She never stopped doing this I just got more “Ok” with it as time went on. Forcing me to drink/ pressuring me to drink is a quick way for me to not like you

  24. I (m23) work as a bouncer so this is practically a daily occurrence. Drunk women have no filter at all.

    Some woman (50ish obese), started trying to flirt with me. After a couple minutes she started trying to hug and grope me, and even tried to kiss me. When I kicked her out of the bar for it the waitress gave me a dirty look, as if I should have just let the sexual harrasment slide…

    Most of the time it’s old women who act this way, though you do get the occasional younger one too. Most young women typically have more tact, they’ll ask for your number and compliment you. But they’ll rarely resort to groping.

  25. This one was from long ago. Context; it was on a schoolbus, and we both were 13.

    A female class mate kept yelling”Your mother is a whore, your mother is a whore,…” at me. On and on. My parents were going through divorce at the time. The classmate is very distantly related to me through my fathers side and apparently the divorce was the talk of the town. (never mind that my farther was the one who cheated).

    She kept yelling it through the bus and everyone was staring at us. I repeatedly told her to shut up, but she kept going on. So after asking three times to shut up, I just punched her, right in the nose. I punched so hard that her nose started bleeding, right on her white dress. After that I got into a lot of trouble for it. Her aunt was the vice-principle at the highschool I was going to, and she made my life hell for the next 5 years.

    I know physical violence is never the correct answer, but somehow I still don’t feel bad about it.

  26. Was at a concert with my wife. A younger woman comes up to us in the crowd and offers me a free glass of red win. I decline because taking mystery drinks from strangers is a quick way to be abused or dead.

  27. My mother perpetually blamed men whenever anything bad happened that involved her. She got lost driving in the car? Men! Can’t find her car from where she parked? Men! Why she isn’t getting up in the world? It’s obviously a conspiracy of penis owners trying to keep the vag-owners down. Never mind the fact that one who got promotions were predominantly women.

    In high school, two girls thought it would be cute to not just start a rumor that I am stalking them and sexually assaulted one of them, they thought it would be extra cute and bring it up with the principal too. I almost got expelled despite no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing. What happened to those two girls after it was proven they made the whole thing up? Nothing…..

    Never thought about any of this until the me-too movement. There were women who were publicly making misandrist comments and it was triggering. When I spoke up about it explaining my feelings and experiences and how we she keep our cool, I was told to shut up.

  28. I’m married. When I’m around a woman, who I sense is flirting with me, I get a little uncomfortable. Yes, it’s flattering & I enjoy it, but I know I can’t act on it. I don’t want to lead someone on, so I usually just crack some jokes and casually mention my wife.

  29. I worked in an office doing payroll, was about an even split of men to women but everyone was Spanish except for me, the lone white guy. Another Spanish woman from another section would frequently come to visit and just straight up sexually harass me while I was trying to work. Touching my shoulders and arms, would sit down in my lap and talk about leaving her husband for me. I made it clear that I didn’t like it but everyone else thought it was hilarious and would egg her on. At one point our Financial Officer was there to talk to my supervisor and she even asked her straight up, “Is it ok if I sexually harass him?” The FO just laughed and left.

    I tried to take it as a joke to mess with me at first but after a while I just left for another job

  30. I was at a bar/club with friends, and all of a sudden I feel a finger trying to go up my ass through my jeans. I turned around ready to punch someone’s teeth out (and I’m not an aggressive guy) and I see a group of like 7 tiny, petite teen girls, none of them older than 19, all looking at me waiting for a reaction. I pretended everything was fine and asked my friends to move our circle a few meters away from there.

    I knew if I did anything I’d get thrown out, and if I complained to security or something I’d get laughed out of the place. That happened 4 years ago and still pisses me off.

  31. When overly drunk women hit on me at the bar literally when I’m sitting next to my wife holding her hand or my arm around her. No I don’t want to sleep with you. Fuck off please

  32. A few years ago, my partner and I went on a short trip. We were in a bar and I was at the counter, waiting when a tall woman came up behind me and started to touch my behind.

    She was really feeling and groping and she asked me if it’s true that Asian men are small ‘there’.

    I had no idea what to do. I’m pretty short (163cm) and she was almost as tall as my partner (182cm) so I just froze until my partner saw what was happening and pulled me away from her.

    Her friend told us not to mind her because she was ‘high’. We left the bar though.

  33. This is a bit of a read, so bear with me if you’d like:

    Little bit of setting and context: I was a freshman in high school, 14 years old. It was my first day of high school, so naturally I was excited and a bit nervous. My first class was intro to theater, which I despised since I had signed up for a gym class but it got filled up and I guess they prioritized upper classmen, so I got stuck with something else entirely. I was never at all a theater kid, but I was like whatever I’ll suck it up for a semester.

    Moving into the actual story, it was a small class. Only about maybe ten to twelve of us, but it included kids from freshmen through seniors. During my first day of that class, as I was listening to the teacher explain the syllabus and other entry level things, I noticed that one girl who was sitting a few seats away from me was looking at me. Not just that, she was *staring* at me. I didn’t think much of it at first. So I simply glanced over and gave her a nod, to which she gave me a big smile and waved. She was pretty small, but I didn’t recognize her, so I thought she was a sophomore or maybe even a transferred freshman.

    Right after class ended, she made a bee line for me and introduced herself. I was polite and told her my name. She then asked how old I was, to which I said I was 14. She looked a little dissapointed at this, and explained that she was a senior. For a little context: I’ve always looked and acted older than I actually am by at least a few years, so she told me that she thought I was at least a junior. We chatted for a few minutes and then went our separate ways to our next classes (we only shared that one class together).

    For the rest of the semester, she got very attached to me. She would always sit next me, and got very handsy. She would slowly rub my back, my arms and shoulders, she would even try to hold my hand and would sometimes lay her hand on my lap. I’ll be straight up: I thought she was very cute and I had never gotten far with women before, so I certainly didn’t mind the attention at first, especially from a senior of all things. But pretty soon I got uncomfortable really quickly. I was never aggressive with her, but I would try to gently move my hand away from her, but when I put it back down she would place hers over mine again. I was easily stronger than her, so I didn’t have any problems actually pulling away from her. It was keeping her off of me that was an issue.

    She started doing this outside of class too. She would approach me in the halls, at lunch when I’m with my friends, she would text me all the time via snapchat and call me things like cute and handsome. It wasn’t freaky per say, but it was way too fast for my liking. Some would say I was a lucky man, but I definitely didn’t feel that way. Especially after she told me that she has a *boyfriend*. The last thing I needed in my freshman year was to get on an upperclassman’s bad side by getting with his girl, so I told her to pump the brakes and that she shouldn’t be flirting like this, but it didn’t do a thing. Arguably the worst part of this was my teacher, who happens to be a man (go figure) even went along with it. He encouraged me to let her get physical with me, even during his class when I should’ve been paying attention, even scolding me (albeit jokingly) when I resisted her advances.

    This lasted for a whole year until she graduated, but she started texting me again during my sophomore year, to which I just finally blocked her on all social media. Yes, I probably should’ve done that earlier, but in my mind it would’ve caused a huge mess if I did that while we still knew each other in person.

  34. I invited a girl I’ve met a few times out and about over to my house. She came over around 20:00 and I asked if she would like some wine. She said “yes” so I opened the bottle in front of her and poured her a glass in front of her. Without exaggeration , two sips of wine later, she turns to me and says “Is this really your place?” I assured her it was and that I’ve lived here alone for the last 4 years. She then stays quiet and says “what did you put in my drink?”. This was after she without exaggeration only took three sips from the glass that I poured from a brand new sealed bottle right in front of her. At this point I was very nervous and even wondered if I should call the police and tell them what’s happening in case she does and makes up some crazy shit.

    Needless to say when she asked if we can go to my room I tactfully declined and told her I have an early morning and would like for her to leave. Thankfully she did and I never heard from her again. This is every guys nightmare.

  35. When I worked at a hospital, it wasn’t uncommon for women that were over double my age to hit on me (I was 18-19 at the time). The male nurses there said they were hit on and groped all the time as well

  36. I work in a restaurant and you have no idea the stupid confidence of some of these women.

    I’ve had women grab my dick under my apron as well as put their hand in my ass crack.

    I’ve been told by a divorcee that she wanted to see me after work and she’ll make it worth my time.

    Within moments of meeting a table I had a woman say… and I shit you not: “You look like you have big hairy saggy balls that are good for sucking on”

    I will say that I’m actually not bothered by any of these things much. For me it’s about power. Not a single one of the women were able to make me do something I didn’t want to do and that lack of vulnerability is a huge distinction imo.

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