I figure “Because no one wants me” is not the correct answer. đŸ€Ł

  1. Just say something that’s not self depreciating and be cool about whatever it is you say. Looking/sounding nervous or guilty will mess up any line. You can even joke about it to lighten whatever impact you might think the reason will have.

    Like: “none of your business! No, actually, I’ve been busy doing X Y and Z in life so dating has been on the back burner. Plus, I wanna know I have a connection with someone before getting involved, and connection like that is rare.”

  2. Don’t provide the information yourself first of all.


    If you are early/mid 20s you may be able to just get away with saying you were focused on school + starting your career. Beyond that it is going to be tricky and much more dependent on your own circumstances and how well you can spin a story.

  3. “Until you came along, I’d found no girls that were of interest to me.”

    ooh, I see someone’s posted similarly: “I’ve been waiting for the right person”

  4. You don’t need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about not having a girlfriend. There are many reasons why someone might not have had a girlfriend yet, and everyone’s experiences are unique and valid.
    A neutral and honest response could be something like, “I haven’t met the right person yet, but I’m open to it. I’ve been focusing on other things in my life and believe the right person will come along at the right time.”
    You could also use this as an opportunity to express what you’re looking for in a relationship, or what your priorities are in life. This can give the other person a better understanding of who you are and what you value.

  5. i had a girl ask me this i looked at her while we were playing video games and said ” it’s obvious i put all my points into virginity” which made her laugh.

  6. the truth.. the very simple truth.. for me, I haven’t found one whom my heart desires ernestly

  7. I was focusing on myself and making sure I was mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to have a commitment with another.

  8. I haven’t found that special someone yet, but when I do, I know she was worth waiting for.

  9. Just tell the truth and don’t be ashamed about it. In my case I would say something like the following.
    I think this answer would satisfy most people and not make me seem like a hopeless red flag.

    “I have a number of good friends, and I get along very well with people, my coworkers etcetera they all love me and I feel generally good about myself. It’s just that when pursuing romantic relationships, there are different social protocols and scripts that I struggle with. This can no doubt be attributed to my autism diagnosis. I am also very introverted and I need more time to open up to people. People may not be that patient, or may interpret my introversion as a lack of interest.”

  10. “Guess I just never met the right person before.” Flattering, intriguing, sounds straight out of a rom-com. Can’t go wrong.

  11. I always said ” call me Cheyenne.” Because I’ve always been”shy n’ a lil nervous.” Just say because your shy. Nobody will hold it against you. Shy is a turn on.

  12. “I have never found anyone good enough for me, I am not going to settle for just anybody. She has to be really special for me to open my heart.”

  13. Why would you feel the need to disclose that?

    “I prefer not to talk about Exes and past relationships” is all you need to say.

  14. People who say that it’s bad if you haven’t gotten a girlfriend ever are mental. The real red flag is about people who talk about red flags everywhere. The truth is you aren’t obliged to disclose that my guy. If she doesn’t like it let her go you deserve better.

  15. Be honest and concise.

    Women are like police dogs that are trained to detect the scent of bullshit. Some women will actually find you being open and vulnerable about your dating difficulties to be attractive, and some won’t. Regardless, it’s the best card you have to play. Just don’t drone on about it.

  16. You shouldn’t lie in your relationships, and certainly not in the beginning. You should tell the truth.

    Was it because school/career? Then say so.

    Was it because of social anxiety? Then say so.

    Was it because you didn’t found out the right woman? Then say so.

    Was it because you never clicked with anyone? Then say so.

  17. After a certain age they don’t ask you that question. They *assume* you’ve had girlfriends.

    When you’re in your late 20s, 30s and beyond they are more likely to ask if you’ve married.

    You could always say: “I’m not sure if I’m too picky or simply haven’t met the right one yet.”

    I can’t recall being 20s+ and having a girl ask me how many girlfriends I’ve had in the past.

    Most of the ones I met wanted the attention on them and to discuss *our* potential future.

  18. 38M. Answer I give, which is the godhonest truth, is that in order to get ahead and advance in my career I had to move to places with some of the worst dating pools in the country (U.S.). If you work for a federal land management agency, that’s the truth unless you spend your career at the regional headquarters and never out in the field. Roseburg, OR, Sitka and Anchorage, AK, Jackson, MS. None of these places have a happening singles scene; rather they’re places where young people either get married and have kids after high school or they leave and never come back. At least when I lived in Washington DC for a year I was averaging a dare with a new person once a month.

  19. I’d say ” I’ve wasn’t really looking for a relationship until recently” or “dating wasn’t high on my list of priorities”

    For me this is pretty much the truth 😂😂

  20. “Narrow urethra
” in the best Hank Hill voice you can muster. đŸ€Ł

  21. It’s obvious that these responses are mostly from men. Haven’t met the right one yet is the worst answer here fr. Ask other women… It’s vague flattery, terrible and kinda says you’re not truthful.

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