Please bear with me, I’m still trying to comprehend what I’m feeling or thinking, and just want some sort of advice or assurances that what I’m feeling is valid. (and sorry if the grammar is all wrong, I didn’t bother re-reading what I typed)

As the title explains shortly, I(19f) think I’m not in-love with my (18m soon to be 19) s/o anymore. I’m not sure where to start? Probably starting that we’ve being together for almost a year, and friends for close to one year before getting together. Our relationship (as friends) was always bumpy beforehand, but we couldn’t stop ourselves from our feelings growing. We both agreed that we felt something between us instantly, and when we finally got together I was then excited for what the future has in hands for us. But as the months went on in our, now, relationship, I began to notice the little details of where we were just two different beings. Don’t get me wrong he treats me well, take care of me if I’m down or sick, and you know does well and above the bare-minimum. But where it starts to possibly go down for me is about 3 months ago? College began and our plans for our futures began to show more. He doesn’t wish to continue his education, which is okay, and I am going to continue mine. He wants to settle down fast, and I want to go with another possible 8-10 years before settling down and maybe having kids. He wants to stay in our hometown, I want to explore and experience outside of our hometown. And then comes our beliefs and opinions, we were both raised differently, and so of course things we do aren’t always going to collide well… But we always worked through our “small disagreements”. I’m his first girlfriend and so he’s learning how to move around me I guess? And, he knows how of my past relationship and how it hurt me in ways I don’t wish to remember. So, I try to give the benefit or doubt that he’s trying, and he is. But unfortunately I don’t think it’s enough… I want more in life and a partner, one that think just a little more like me…? Because I want him to be my person so badly, I want it to be him forever and always, he’s a genuinely AMAZING person. I love and care for him, but I don’t think I’m in-love with him anymore. I don’t know what to do? Wait it out? like what I’ve been doing and see if things change? Or, break my heart and hope for some sort or peace for my soul and mind.

Please help.

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