Recently I went on a first date with a girl and I thought it went alright, wasn’t amazing but it was fun. About an hour after I got home I sent her a text telling her I had a nice time and that I’d be interested in another date this weekend if she’s down. That was last night around 11pm, it’s been about 20 hours since I sent that text. How long after a date is a lack of a response considered ghosting? Also, would double texting be a bad idea here?

  1. I’d say 12-24 hours after a date. 24-48 hours if you’re just texting normally.

    Don’t double text, just move on. People who ghost are shitty, just move on to someone better.

  2. I’m always against double texting. I think if she doesn’t respond after a day or two, she’s not interested.

  3. I wouldn’t double text. If she was enthusiastic about continuing, you would know. She wouldn’t forget to respond to you even with other things going on.

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