My husband and I have been married for over 4 years, in our 20’s and this has only happened a handful of times – he’s an electrician.

I can’t sleep so I’m scrolling Reddit while he sleeps (he has a normal schedule and my small business schedule is weird). He randomly lifts his head, looks at his lamp and starts messing with it.

I ask “Hun, what are you doing?” Trying to figure out if he’s awake. He then says “I’m messing with it.” When I ask him why, he starts getting up. LOL. So at this point I touch his arm and I’m trying to keep him in bed before he starts sleepwalking. I ask “are you asleep right now?” He responds “Ya.” He sounded so disappointed saying that. So I start laughing a bit but then he stops and starts messing with the lamp again! I then start moving his hand so he won’t knock the lamp over and when he stops I ask him if he is awake this time. He says that he thinks he’s awake now and that he wasn’t before. Then after a few mumbled I love yous and us laughing a bit, he’s back off to snoring. I always find this so comical, idk what he’s saying half the time.

This man has done this a couple of times with talking about fixing the bedroom lights or outlets or different circuit breakers. It’s honestly quite hilarious – anyone else’s spouse do weird things like this?

  1. I used to do that kind of stuff when I was younger and overworked. At first I didn’t believe my wife the next day but it became something we would laugh about later

  2. My husband sleep talks. The funny thing is he has adhd so during the day he has echolalia. Well we have found he also does that when he sleeps. So for example once in the dead silent of the night, he said “Ur a wizard Arry” while sleeping. Another time he did Mr. Krabs laugh. It’s the funniest thing. I can even have full conversations with him sometimes. I try to record the moments to share with him because he finds them hilarious and has no recollection of them.

  3. This is adorable.

    Sometimes my husband talks in his sleep. He never says anything that makes sense. Sometimes he laughs randomly in the middle of the night, as if he has been awake watching YouTube.

    Also, he “suckles”. It fucking hills me, he does it every night. That thing that babies do when they are sucking their little mouths because they’re dreaming about milk? My husband does it.

    I just cry or scream in my sleep 🥴

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