It’s so hard for someone in his 50’s to find an honest respectful relationship these days!! It seems like all women are looking for a 30 yo hot body boys!! Specially for someone who was married for almost 26 years, it’s not very easy to find a girlfriend for him anymore!
Social media made it so hard for a man to just go out talk to someone! Feels awkward and uncomfortable to girls.. I think

  1. Well, im 40f and dated 50m, he just ghosthing me out of nowhere. I accepted him as he is, but well, still maybe im not enough for him. So, its not about gender, its individual. At least with younger man, we understand why they do it…but when 50 yrs old man do it…its kind of annoying

  2. Here’s a thought: you’re in your 50s, maybe don’t refer to women as girls? Get with the times, and you might find women take you more seriously.
    And yah, duh. Most fit women in their 40s are not looking for an unfit man.

  3. I’m 39 and my favorite boyfriend is 58. His kids are grown, he’s got his own interests, is retired and is into art and culture, but mostly he’s fucking hilarious. We are till great friends and get together every quarter but we don’t live close enough to actually date anymore. He’s got dad bod, is completely bald, and he’s far sexier than anyone I’ve dated in the past 4 years.

    Your comments are worrisome if I’m being honest. If you speak to women they way you write and interact with people on reddit, I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole. (But then again I’m just a normal chick with her shit mostly together… I don’t need anyone to step in and save the day).

    But good luck! I met a dude just yesterday who was 54 and also has a 12 month old… I called that favorite boyfriend and we just laughed and laughed. Maybe that’ll be you and you’ll find the one.

  4. Possibly. But then there’s people like me who is absolutely interested in someone older and never goes out to bars cause they require too much social energy. Catch me in a bookstore (before I open up a book tho). I don’t mind talking to people but I just prefer it be in less intense situations. Talk to me in the grocery store while I’m browsing, or something like that. My problem is I’m in my 30s and I can’t meet anyone my age (let alone older) because I guess people who want to date aren’t in the spaces I’m in. I dress up cute to go shopping most of the time in hopes for a meet cute but alas my movie-tail moment has yet to come. It’s just hard out here!

  5. You’re a man in his 50’s complaining that women want to date 30 year olds while saying you want to date women in their 30’s? So you can prefer younger but you women can’t? Fwiw I’m a 44/F and I pretty much only date guys at least a few years older so your generalization of women is pretty far off.

  6. From your comments, I believe you’re attempting to date outside of an age-range of women willing to date you.

    Edit: this does not mean there’s anything wrong with you or you should stop dating, you should just start dating in your own age range, and you’ll get more relationship opportunities coming your way

  7. based on your post and your comments…

    I’m in my 30s, and I regularly get hit on by men 55+ at bars.

    I literally could not live in the same community as half of these men, because I’m *too young*.

    aim for someone your own age and you might have more luck. and for fuck’s sake, stop touching the women you’re trying to pick up.

  8. As a lady who’s about that age … I’m sick of running into men who need moms. Like I’m forced to remind them about washing hands and brushing teeth.
    It’s annoying AF! But I still look around hoping he’ll come along- with toothbrush in hand, minty fresh

  9. I’m not in my 50s or single, but if I was a single 40-50 something year old, I wouldn’t want to cougar it up. I’d want a guy similar in a age to me. Older dudes are way better than the 30 year olds of today!

  10. Women in their 50s and 40s who are single don’t want a man who has behaviours appropriate for 20-30years ago. Get more hobbies, expand your horizons, workout,travel. If you’re not interesting and open for adventure. You’re not going to find anyone of value. If you just want to sit and get old with someone…best of luck

  11. Also, play to your strengths. If you’re not having a hot body then dress well, carry yourself well, play to your life experience, knowledge, wisdom, career satisfaction, stability, etc.

    Edit: I have met women as young as their twenties say they find Sean Connery or Sam Elliot hot. It’s obviously not for their young hot bodies. Study older men that women find hot and emulate their style, manners, etc.

  12. I’m 46m divorced single, I’ve been single for 2 years and have never gotten laid more. Loose weight if you’re bald shave your whole head women don’t find the bald horseshoe look attractive. Also, don’t be a dick.

  13. 31F here.

    I used to think men in their 40s were attractive.

    Reaching my 30s, I’m looking more at 26-36.

    I would say there is a trend for women being more open to dating younger men than there was in the past.

    I think women’s increasing financial independence and career advancement and pushing off having kids until later plays a huge role in all of this.

    Sorry, the era of elderly men assuming they can date young women by exploiting their financial circumstances may be coming to a close.

  14. 55M. Not my experience at all.

    Divorced in 2015. 100+ first dates via apps. Two one-year relationships, several short-term things, several FWBs along the way. Tons of great sex.

    Currently dating someone for the past 6 months.

  15. I’m 33 and feel like I’ve even aged out of online dating. And yes, meeting someone outside of dating sites seems harder than ever.

  16. Why don’t you stay in your age range? you’re trying to date 20’s and 30’s and I’ll be honest most girls are not going to want to date someone old enough to be there dad.

  17. Well Op; you are wrong. 26 years of not dating will put you at a disadvantage in a “new era” of dating. Not all women want 30 Y.Os They still crave the fun. Hence they might ‘pursue’ a younger lad ,but they also want maturity and a man who can handle themselves with dignity, integrity and intention. To me sounds exactly as the same most mature men look for; an energetic, fun and mature woman they don’t have to babysit. In my opinion it has never been easy to find a reliable, worthwhile life- long partner. That’s for Hollywood movies

  18. What’s a respectful relationship?

    You aren’t ready to date. Take some time to do therapy to process the anger you seem to have.

    You seem to be coming here with a lot of negative energy.

  19. I found the opposite. The bar was set so low by whoever married or dated all the women i met online. Physical abuse including getting punched unconcious or thrown against walls, refusal to get a job, minimal education, drug addicts, alcoholics, serial cheaters.

    And here i am…all my teeth, all my hair, an actual job, dont use drugs, and dont beat up ny partner when I’m mad. I’m only 5’8 or 9, but am actually 6’2 when i stand on top of all the jobless losers that beat the hell out of the women ive dated. Married now.

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