We only dated 3 months and he broke up with me last Sunday over text because he wasn’t ready and needed to work on himself and is struggling with depression etc
He had said maybe in a couple weeks we can see where I’m at? We’ve been in touch most days since. He also mentioned maybe he just needs time to get his shit together?
I was really hurt and wasn’t expecting it. He had just mentioned meeting my son soon the week before.
I still care about him and told him I was here if he needs me and to reach out and I’m happy to stay friends, I’m probably horribly naive but it is what it is.

We talked and flirted and sent pics Wednesday night then he was going away with his family for the weekend and I assumed I wouldn’t hear from him again. He reached out today and asked how my weekend was and we chatted a bit, sent me a pic of the view from his brothers place.Then he apologized for not being in touch because cell service being spotty and being busy. I was surprised because of course I didn’t expect to hear from him.
I’m 30 he’s 38 if it matters.

I shouldn’t read into this right? Just assume he feels guilty about hurting me because he’s not a total jerk and don’t hold any kind of hope.

Tl;dr: ex boyfriend keeping in touch while he’s away with family since breakup, misses me or just guilt?

1 comment
  1. He’s testing the waters to see if you’re still available for him. While it could be guilt, it’s also he knows you’re not going anywhere. If he needs time to get his shit together, he should be doing just that. Not breadcrumbing you to see what his chances could possibly be.

    It’s up to you if you want to keep talking to him, but it honestly seems like a waste of time because of the reasoning he broke up with you.

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