Should I (28M) leave my gf (23F) for being sick ?

Ok, I know this sounds bad because I’m thinking of leaving a girl for being sick instead of supporting her, but let me give you the story

I was 26 and she was 21 when we met, we had a great 6 months etc … she was young (still) and making a lot of mistakes, ego mistakes, saying things like “dont tell me what to do, dont do that, dont …”, and I am nice a guy, I have been always considered shy but because of her attitude I started to get bite angry and scream from time to time .. but it does not matter that much, every relationship has this..

But what I was noticing is that she had problems in her stomach, she was throwing up more than usual, she eats a lot of things that make her uncomfortable, while me, on the other side, I eat anything and nothing happens, I was constipated but always checking the doc, and my philosophy as a cautious person is that pay now little so you dont pay 10x times later, and I was trying to convince her that she has to do the same thing, but she does not care, I tell her I will give money just go and do it, but i was talking to a wall …

Not she wasnt only doing that, but she was annoying also by being jealous, and she get stressed over things I did not do or commit, attempt, or even thought of ..

So about a year ago, a guy friend came to my house to stay for few weeks because he had no other place, the guy is my friend for 10 years, my only true friend, .. and then jealousy again, she accused me of being GAY, she told me that I am looking at intern girls in the company because ” one day a girl asked me about some guidance on linkedin and answered nicely .. ” , I decided that it is over, … she got stressed but we split .. I left, I could not stay especially with the fact that I was suck, I was in high dose of predisone and lufe was shit bexause of stress

I found out later that she lost 20kg, she was bleeding internally, and talking no one, all her bad symptoms became worse, all what I was telling her about checking a doc became true, and she got no money .. i doubt she had cancer, .. I swear I was happy bexause I saw 4K euros in my bank for the first time, but once i saw her, that money all gone, to save her life … She got so stressed because I left, and she could not get over it .. Three minths of mental pain made her physical pain worse ..
So to me, I am not part of that bexause I had to leave.. but also If I did not leave she could be better

She has IBS, and she let things get worse, we got back together and she is happy now, but always complaining about her stomach, she has to take her treatement every day, I pay around 300€, each month for her, which is a huge ammount in my country, .. I am happy with her, but when I see money running out I see no future for myself or her, I wont be able to save, also she is 23 now, which means that most likely things will get worse with age .. and i am paying for things I did not do(I think) ..

I talked to her just crying asking her why did you do that to yourself ? Now, she is more responsive to my words because she went through this terrible story, but it s too late .. her dugestive system is broken

With medications, situation improved but she has to always take care of her food wisely, she has to never get upset.. she need limitless care .. and her family are careless, they saw their daughter bleed from her anus and accused her of lying ..

But even though situation improved, but it is too late, she throwed up blood yesterday which made my heart so broken, I’am just staring at walls, walks in the street brainless .. dont know what to do..

So now, I have two options :

– I leave, and be selfish so I can be happy for bite, and try to survive the guilt i am going to go through, because If I leave she will die, if she misses her medications, she starts dying off
– or stay with her, no future, no home, no career, no car.. pay for mistakes I dont think I did, but save a life of a girl I loved and still do, and do not let her think I left her when things get darker, and for me I’ll have no guilt feeling ..

Any opinions ?

TL;DR: my girl is constantly sick and I feel like I m going to either give up my life and dreams, or live with pain but no guilt

  1. You two have only been together a few years and are not married. You are not obligated to take care of her the rest of your life. What you have done for her is nice but not your responsibility. Where did she live before you met her? She needs to go home. You break up with her and move on with your life. It’s not cruel or selfish but this relationship is not going any further.

  2. So, you don’t like her because you aren’t in full control of her. And you gaslighted her that her disease was her fault, and plan to use that to blame her for your dumping her.

    Ain’t you the charmer. Dump her. Fast. The sooner you’re out of her life the faster her health will improve.

  3. Doesn’t seem like you get along. Leaving is not selfish. It’s letting you both have a future that you can enjoy. She will not die without you. She’ll learn how to take care of herself or find someone else to. You’ll be able to live your life too.

    You are not responsible for your gf’s medication. She has a family. Don’t mix up what your role is as a boyfriend vs caregiver.

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