I’m looking to join some online sites dating sites meetup, things like take. But I’ve no photo of myself. Any idea for photos of myself, that help me stand out.

  1. I recommend downloading a (free) google app called Selfissimo. It only takes B&W selfies but I find it takes good ones.

  2. don’t take pics of yourself shirtless, at the gym, holding a fish, flexing your muscles, standing by your car, wearing a shirt and tie, kissing a puppy or kitten, or doing that bizarre open-mouth face.

    look as much like your everyday self as you can. natural sunlight is best. if you smile and laugh a lot, smile. if you don’t, then have your normal everyday face.

  3. Selfies in general aren’t great, just have a friend take pics of you while doing things you enjoy. In my case it’s hiking/traveling for example:)

  4. My god…so much drama. Just take a few photos that look like you, in good light and with a smile. You’re (hopefully) not an influencer, and don’t need to fret about your selfies.

  5. Have someone else take the photo, or use a tripod or selfie-stick. Make sure the light is good, natural light from the sun is good. Take loads of photos from different angles, and make combinations of poses. Legs, body, head, arms, face, etc, pose all of them in different ways and keep taking. Then pick the best photo out of the hundred you took and delete the rest.

  6. Photographer here! Great question many guys struggle with!

    If you go out with a friend, ask him to take pictures along the way in spontaneous moments while you do something you like. If you, however, decide to really pose for a picture, I recommend looking in the same direction as your nose points at. If you smile, say “money” instead of “cheese”, looks less fake. Bring back your shoulders and place your hands so you take up space around you (place it on a bench, your leg, create triangle-like shapes with your body).

    Just some general tips:
    – YouTube has a lot of good channels for posing. I recommend Chris Hau, Peter McKinnon, Pierre T Lambert for posing.

    – Use a good photo of yourself as a first picture, so girls know exactly what you look like.

    – Use photo’s of you doing things you like and friend group photos for the rest.

    Feel free to ask me for feedback or help! Good luck!

  7. I’m old.
    I don’t care. If someone wants a picture of me they can take it themselves. I’m not wasting my time posing for a good pic when I could be napping or something.

  8. There are two ways to do it.
    1. You transfer them to memory card device and take it.
    2. First you must print them and then you take them.

  9. If you don’t have anyone to help you take it, pro tip is to record a video and freeze frame the clip to use as a picture. Just make sure you’re dressed nicely and smile!

    I did this for my dating profile in 2021-2022 and have been in a relationship with the most wonderful woman for almost a year.

  10. I think the best strategy is to have as many photos as you can, and then pick the best. My problem is I don’t know how to take many photos of myself. I have colleagues but not friends, and all selfies photos is not good. Hiring a professional doesn’t seem to be a good option for women. It means you’re trying too hard.

  11. Obligatory not a man, but set your phone up on a table or something and take a video. Walk around, play with your dog, fake laugh, etc. do that in a couple places/outfits. Then go through the video and pause/screenshot. You’ll feel dumb but those photos just look better than weird posed ones.

    I would avoid using all selfies IF you can. Sometimes they work great but more often than not they just come across as a bit cringe, especially if you only use selfies for your whole profile.

  12. Hire a professional photographer for a model shoot.

    1. Hire a stylist. Get a new wardrobe that fits your character, body shape and personality.

    2. Have a new hair style and beard trim, get a full beauty treatment, including facial, eyebrows and lash treatment.

    3. Then get professional pics taken with action shots, close ups, full body shots, wearing a variety of items from your new wardrobe.

    4. If you can have shots with and without a beard/goatee that would be good.

    5. If you have a lambo or sports car, get a picture with that.

    6. If you have pets, get some with you and the dog, cats or snake, whatever.

    **Get a proper photographer to take the pics. Do not do it yourself.** If you want success with online dating, it is all about your looks and the pictures. Look like a model and you will get hits with professional pics.

  13. Not dating site stuff but I hired a friend who is a photographer and he took headshots. We did some outdoors which were good but casual in a tshirt and then did some inside where i wore a dress shirt. I wanted these for my social media profile pic and work email signature. Worked really well. I didn’t want to take them myself and this was more enjoyable

  14. Go to a barber ..a guy that’s PASSIONATE about his work. Then LET HIM pick your cut-you will be *AMAZED* with the result.

  15. Be AUTHENTIC! Real life makes for best results. Don’t say ‘cheese’ *ACTUALLY LAUGH!* That’s the real you- and that’s what EVERYONE wants and Needs. Not a fancy car Not what you’re wearing..Just the Wonderful Reality thst is You:)

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