Hi everyone, Life feels so empty right now, I have just come out of a three year relationship about six months ago, and now dating just feels draining and useless.

I just feel like I can’t connect with anyone, I’m using dating apps but all the men I me just feel very generic and I can’t seem to connect with them. You see, I’m a gamer and I love gaming so much that I want the person that I am with to also be a gamer which is really hard to find for some reason.

It’s annoying, because I live alone so I have the space and time for a relationship but I just can’t seem to connect with anyone.

I don’t know where to go from here, I feel like giving up on dating apps but I don’t know where I would find my person especially if that person is a nerd like me and probably hides himself away.

All the dating apps just feel like all the men are out there to do the dirties. I want something meaningful, it just hurts and now I feel like I’m going to give up on it entirely.

  1. Is there something wrong with being completely upfront with people on your profiles/socials about who you are and what you want?

  2. Hey love! Coming out of a long-term relationship can definitely be uncomfortable. I think it feels draining because you’re looking in the wrong places. There’s still hope for you! If all of the “nerds” are hiding away behind their games like you, maybe start looking to connect with other gamers you play with…You can also try connecting with other gamers in gaming subreddits or other communities. Have patience and don’t give up!

  3. I think if you’re looking for someone who games. You’ll have an easier time as a woman than as a man. I’m a man and I’m also looking for someone who plays games, mostly just as something to relate to. Been playing games all my life so really deeply ingrained into myself.

    You could probably join random discords and find someone really easily. Feels like the man to woman ratio is like 5 to 1 or even like 7 to 1.

    Whether or not they are someone you find attractive is a different story.

  4. Here come the messages lol. I was looking for a gamer girl years ago. I thought it would be good to have a hobby like that in common. Good luck.

  5. 32 M here and Trust me I know how you feel, I found out in November my partner of 12 years was having an affair, she then left with our 2 boys and moved in with him , I have only seen them 5 times since November, I’m seething inside and feel like I’ll never connect with or trust anyone again, gotta take it a day at a time I suppose, I find hiking helps, your more than welcome to join me anytime, it’s good for the mind

  6. Don’t give up not all guys are just into sex and not all are fake. Feel free to dm me if you need someone to chat with or vent to. Or if you want to play some video games

  7. I don’t wanna be that guy but you’re a young woman the chances of you finding someone to fall in love with you a re extremely high the chances of you actually liking them back..

  8. Have you thought about going to gaming/cosplay conventions? That might be a good place to meet someone, ratio will be super favorable too lol

    Also, there are lots of activities that are more in person than video games that attract people who love video games. Maybe play in a few magic the gathering tournaments. Practically every girl I ever met at one of those was married to a guy she met playing magic. Getting involved with a dungeons and dragons or cosplaying group might be a great way to go too.

  9. You’re still very young. Imagine how I (47M) feel starting over after a divorce. Things will get better. Just be the best you that you can be, and people will notice. 🙂

  10. Im quite surprised there aren’t more gamers online. I wonder if they’ve all given up by the age ranges you’re trying to match with? <sad laughs>

    If you’re in a city, find a local game store, go talk to the staff and customers, and maybe see if they have any nights for d&d/magic/pokemon etc. And if you’re in a big city, look online for larping communities. Both places will have gamers and you’ll be able to see if they have social skills and if they smell all at the same time!

  11. Just a little bit of insight. Gaming looks kinda lazy on a dating profile to women and lots of women have bad experiences with boyfriends that are gamers not wanting to spend time with them or leave the house so it’s not something they market.

  12. You sound burnt out. Take a break for a bit. Eventually you’ll feel like it’s time to look again.

  13. Do you have your own gaming channels? YT, TT etc can’t you put it out to your followers that you are looking for a partner? You’ll get all your nerdy followers applying as they already love you by following you but one of them may be your perfect partner.

  14. dating apps and 6 months after a 3 year relationship ain’t gonna do ya no good or help your mental health, girl. you do you first

  15. Also, gaming is super popular with guys, so maybe just try going to any event with lots of single guys and you’ll eventually meet someone likeminded.

  16. I know the feeling. I’ve been on the three big apps a month and I’ve not matched a single gamer girl or even a geeky girl yet. There’s still time but it’s hard. Lol

  17. Hmm i find that odd tbh. If anything finding gamer girls are a lot harder than gamer guys.

  18. I think a break for a mental reset would do you good right now, the next step is looking in other places where what you’re looking for is more likely to be found.

    Gamers are aware there’s very little chance for them on dating apps, so they don’t even bother with those generally

  19. I don’t get it.
    I’m in the same situation as you are, and I’m a dude.
    Where are all the women wanting to date?
    (Apparently on this subreddit, complaining about not finding men to date)
    Legit scared for the survival of this species in this day and age of online dating.
    No one seems to be having any success finding partners.


  20. Wondering, if you’re gaming, is there an online community? Frankly I’ve met the best of friends through games and met most men on dating sites wanting one thing only.

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