TL;DR? Asking if I (16f) should ask my best friend (16nb) who I’ve had a crush on for 8 months out, after I see them perform in the school show, tomorrow

For a bit of background, we are both in high school, and I’ll call them A for the purpose of this. Me (16f) and A(16nb) have been great friends since about July of last year, and we eat lunch together everyday and they are in 3 of my classes. But what A doesn’t know is that I’ve had a huge crush on them since the moment we first met. Recently A has been kind of flirty but I’m not entirely sure if their flirting, they’ve been hugging me a lot, holding my hand, and they kept touching my face and hands in Spanish today (all consensual touching btw) (they aren’t a very touchy person if that’s worth mentioning). now A is in the school play, which I’m going to see tomorrow, and I want to surprise them with roses and tell them that I’m in love with them. But I don’t know how they’ll take it. I might just be young and dumb, but I really really love them, I haven’t felt this way about anyone else, ever really. When they look at me and smile, all of my problems just disappear for a moment, when I’m with them everything just feels right. I don’t know, I’m just scared that I’ll ruin our friendship, and I really don’t want to mess that up. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Take a chance. As someone who is older, and been through similar experiences – give it a shot – don’t have the regret. Sometimes that doesn’t go away.

    Just a couple thoughts?

    You need to understand it make change your current dynamic, you need to be willing to risk it.

    Are they a flower person? I know I wasn’t – but I still remember when I was given a single rose by someone who liked me, and at that moment it was incredibly special. A single rose can be more impactful than a bunch.

    If you are going to do it after the show – my only suggestion would be the not do it openly because it’s a personal moment, and doing it in front of an audience adds pressure neither needs.

    I’m running rom-com situations in my head. Good luck!

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