My boyfriend (25m) was going to message a woman he met years ago, should I (24f) get over it?

My boyfriend and I have been going out for 5 years. Last week, he went out with friends and came home really drunk. I love him so I was humouring him and he opened up his phone and it was on Facebook messenger to a woman. He locked the phone before I could really see.

Usually, I’d get it, sometimes you look up others. But ut was to this woman from years ago when he was 18 that he hooked up with. When I kicked up a fuss, I found out he was planning to go to her country with friends, and when he had confirmed that was all going ahead, he opened up her profile.

I feel hurt and betrayed but maybe I shouldn’t – was it honest? It’s only recently he told me he was totally in love with her for the first months of our relationship. I’m in a tough spot – I was really close friend with her when she was in my country and I feel it is creepy of him to hit her up all these years later, especially when I know from her she doesn’t like him.

Am I overreacting? I don’t want to be with someone who hold a candle for someone for near 7 years. I feel mad though for being with him for so long?

TLDR: my boyfriend of five years was looking up a near-hookup from years ago. How should I feel?

  1. Is this a joke? He was ‘in love with her’ while you were first together, and is clearly going to visit her.

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