Women that are religious, what makes your faith make sense to you?

  1. I have a strong spiritual perspective on the world, specifically Christian. (I don’t have a current, personal relationship with Jesus, but i do not doubt that it is real for others or that it is a possibility for my future.)

    What about my faith makes sense to me? For me it’s my constant U-Turns back to God. There is a constant and consistent pull on my heart towards God, like I can sense my gravitation towards Him. It’s like he’s sitting next to me daily and sometimes he’s just waiting for me to give him my attention.

    Truly I can’t look at the world; people, plants, animals, sunrises, sunsets, ocean waves…anything and everything…without knowing, not thinking, but deeply knowing that God is real, that He created all of this and not only created it, but sustains it. I know that God is worthy of my attention and love-knowing Him changes everything for me. And for me it clicks. It just clicks. Sometimes I drift and wonder away, but that gravitational pull is consistent and I know that He is.

  2. Honestly, this question doesn’t make sense to me.

    Faith isn’t just one thing, it’s a myriad of all sorts of experiences, thoughts and beliefs, all jumbled together and refined over years. It’s a life lived, a lens through which the entire world is viewed.

    The only way I could begin to answer your question is to change it into another one, like “Why did you start believing?” or make it more specific, like “Why do you believe God exists?” But those aren’t the questions you asked.

  3. All the scientific discoveries written in a book 1400 years ago, when said discoveries hadnt been discovered yet

    Just one exemple that comes to my mind rn :

    Quran 57:25

    We sent Our messengers with the clear proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, that humanity may uphold justice. And **We sent down iron**, in it great might, and benefits for humanity. That Allah may know who supports Him and His messengers invisibly. Allah is Strong and Powerful.

    Not “created,” not “made appear,” but sent down, as iron came from space.

    Another is the Big Bang

    Another is that the word “water” comes in the Holy Quran exactly 32 times while the word “land” comes in the Holy Quran exactly 13 times.

    13+32= 45

    The sum of the number of references of both is 45.

    The percentage of water is therefore

    (32/45) * 100 = 71.1111111111%

    The percentage of land is therefore

    (13/45) * 100 = 28.88888888%

    Above is what we know as the exact percentages of the sea and land on the earth.

    This coming from a men in the desert 1400 years ago, as all historians (muslim or atheist) agree that the Quran was never modified, and since there are Qurans from back then that have been found, proving it hasnt been changed.

    I could understand calling these confirmation biases if there were just 1 or two but… Yk how they say that 1 time is an occurrence, 2 times a coïncidence, and 3 times a pattern ? The Quran as hundreds of these, how not to believe ?

  4. Theres the saying “Science only goes so far, then comes God.” No matter how much we prove, at some point faith of some kind comes into play. There is so much that we dont know for sure about life and the universe; I see the beauty of the world, the intricate nature of how things work together, and I believe it cannot have been coincidence. I’m also a massive optimist, but my faith has always echoed with me on a personal level. Any time I have asked big questions, I come back to the same answers at the end of the day. Faith is personal, and it’s something you cultivate, like a relationship. My faith absolutely makes me a better person, and influences my aspirations and true goals in life. I am grateful to be held accountable and improved by it.

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