What helps you the most when you are on your suicidal phase?

  1. If I am actively suicidal, I sit down and listen to sounds. I find it to be easier than focusing on breath because there is a lot of variability and doesn’t involve my body.

    If passively suicidal, I write it out, drink something warm, daydream about being cuddled. Mostly paralyzed in fetal position tho 🙁

  2. i try to distract myself as much as i can by listening to music, watching tv, cooking, being on social media (although this sometimes doesn’t help), sleeping etc. until i forget i want to do it

  3. Having a good cry, journaling, and listening to music. I’ll reach out to a loved one as well since I don’t want to keep isolating myself whenever I get like that.

  4. Not being alone.

    Loneliness is the worst whenever you’re feeling low. My advice would be surround yourself with your support system.

  5. depends on how deep I’m in. If I’m at the “the bottle of pills are lined up and my glass of water is ready to go,” it’s off to the ER with me. It’s the only place i’ll be safe. I’ve done it twice and I’m still here so it works. If I’m not quite there but boy are we thinking about it, I reach out for help, whether friends or family. One thing i’ve learned while dealing with suicidal depression is that there are hands out there for you to grab if you need them. Even just calling the suicide helpline is helpful. Most of the time they’re lovely and caring and will stay on the phone with you until you’re feeling better.

  6. I take a nap. Sometimes it gives my brain time to reset and stave off the inevitable.

  7. I schedule more frequent appointments with my therapist, and I have a few PRN medications that I take to help avert crises. That’s for passive thoughts. I usually only have active thoughts when I experience a mixed episode (I’m bipolar) and at that point, I need to put myself on suicide watch at home or go to the hospital if I can’t be safe at my house (thankfully I have a good support system at home).

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