I’m 26F, he’s 23M. I’m experienced and used to experienced partners, he’s only had sex a few times with two girls before me. Apparently he couldn’t cum with either other girl and hasn’t with me yet either.

I’m used to the opposite problem, while I don’t want to sound arrogant, it’s relevant to mention that I’m conventionally attractive, hygienic, very tight and know how to please men, men normally complain about cumming too fast. He’s clearly attracted to me, has never made me feel like I’m the problem, doesn’t seem nervous or anxious, as far as I’m aware, isn’t on any medication, and was either sober or had a maximum of two beers when we’ve had sex so far.

He also seems to struggle with thrusting, we’ve only had sex in cars so far so we are already starting in awkward positions, but he seems to put his dick inside me and then only really thrust a couple of inches. I’ve suggested other positions where he should be able to thrust more easily, but he has a bigger than average dick and it seems to pull his foreskin painfully.

Apparently even when he’s by himself, it takes him around half an hour to finish himself.

  1. First, some men really don’t like having the foreskin pulled back. If you are not wet enough it may not be comfortable. I would talk with him about what might be the problem and try to experiment. Lots of people are not comfortable talking in detail. try to get him to open up and see how that goes.

    Best of luck.

  2. I think there is something to the phenomenon- that masturbation can desensitize or cause problems when one finally actually have real sex… it’s worth having a conversation about- I do think there are ways to overcome (excuse the pun) problem.

  3. The fact that he’s inexperienced and you’re conventionally attractive might be getting in his head a little bit too. Plus cars are a tough location for sex just because there’s less room to move around. I’m guessing you don’t have access to a lot of good private sex spots but I’d see if things are different in bed.

  4. Maybe it’s a problem with the clutch? There are many good mechanics that could help you figure out a solution. (Try a bed, for starters.)

  5. Cars are terrible for sex, unless you’re outside of it. Use plenty of lube and get him to relax more. He’s probably stuck in his head, which makes for bad sex without a connection.

  6. What if you ride him so you’re controlling the depth and pace?

    That might even serve to teach him how you like being thrust into when he’s on top.

  7. It happens. I was out of a relationship for over 8 years at one point and when I got back into one it took a while where I was comfortable with my partner to get there. Some people are just not comfortable at first so if his relationships have been short it is likely that he has not reached that point with any of them.

    You as the current partner will need to be patient and pretty much teach him.

  8. if you’re not using condoms, make sure that the foresking is pulled as far up/past the glans as possible before inserting into the vagina, and have him hold the foreskin there as he inserts so it can do it’s job during intercourse. if you are using condoms, do the same thing; make sure the foreskin is as far up as it can go before putting the condom on. use lots of lube also.

    I would try different positions and definitely start having sex in a bed. he can also talk to his doctor about his trouble orgasming if it’s a problem, but he’s almost definitely in his head about it, which may be the entire issue or may be a contributing factor. either way just give it some time and do some experimenting (and be patient with him or he’ll never be able to cum). if intercourse ultimately isn’t feasible because of your tighness and his size then focus on other things.

  9. Why are you only having sex in cars ? Pretty sure that’s why he can’t thrust…

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