My gf (23f) and I (23m) have been dating for about 3 years now. In the beginning she was very loving and affectionate. But as time went on she get less and less affectionate, now as days it seems that I do most of that stuff. I always the one to hug her first or kiss her first. She doesn’t really talk about me how she used to. She seemed so in love with me at one point and it seems like that spark for me has gone away. Feels like I don’t have her attention much anymore especially in public. I really want her to show me more appreciation and love, but don’t know what to do. She expects me do everything for her but not the other way around. I want her to need me as much as I need her. I want her to see me as someone she really loves and wants my attention.
I do everything for this girl and want her to do the same for me.

Tl;dr gf hasn’t been showing as much love and affection recently

  1. It’s normal for things to wane after a few years. Have you tried having a relationship check-in chat to see how everything is doing? If she says things are fine, take her word for it. Ask her if there’s anything she wants to do to bond more. Maybe you two can plan a date or romantic evening out.

  2. i’m not sure but a few years ago i read something that says after the first 2 years in a relationship, your brains stop producing seratonin/dopamine when you interact with each other (happy, exciting chemical) and start to produce oxytocin (like the emotional bonding chemical)

    I’m at 3.5 years with my fiancé & i do think there has been a shift. we have had to put some extra effort in but our communication & friendship has grown tremendously in the past year

    edit: accidentally clicked done before comment was complete.

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