As the title states, I (25,F) met and hung out with a new friend for the first time and we had a lot of fun. We have a ton in common. When she was taking me home, she said she had a lot of fun, and I expressed the same.
Then when she headed home after dropping me off, she told me we should keep in touch. I agreed, and told her to text me when she got home, which she did and I told her that we should hang out again soon.

But since then she hasn’t reached out at all, and it’s been a week. I’m not sure if I did something wrong, or if she’s not interested in talking anymore. Should I try to say something?

  1. Sounds like you’re in good shape here and just overthinking it. People are different with how much they text, and until you know her better, there’s a million reasons why or why not she would text you.

    If you want to hang out again, hit her up and suggest it. I would try to find something to do that I think would be fun, and then invite her to do it. It could be something locked down to a certain time, with the risk of her being busy, or you could come up with something you can do whenever your schedules align.

    Think about it from her perspective. Couldn’t you read this post as from her, about you, as well? You haven’t texted her either lol, maybe she feels the same way. Maybe she doesn’t want to be pushy, or maybe she’s just a busy person, or maybe she doesn’t like texting much, or maybe she has ADHD and is forgetful about people she doesn’t see in person often, or maybe . . .

    Anyway, from your account, you have only good signs. So trust her a little bit to have told you the truth (she wants to hang out again) and see what you can make happen

  2. How come she has to contact you first? Yes, you should say something but NOT “hey, how come you didn’t text me”. Just drop a text to say hello.

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