I’ve had very little luck meeting people in real life. I had an interest in a coworker but she said she just started seeing someone. Sucks cause she said she liked me and wouldve consider it if she wasn’t seeing anyone but we are still friends. It seems like a lot of people meet at work but it doesn’t seem like the best place for a number of reasons.

Most of my hobbies are solitary so it’s not like I’m getting out of the house and putting myself into social situations. I considered taking classes for hobbies I’m into but I’d literally only do that as a way to seek a significant other which feels kind of weird.

I’m not going to meet anyone through my friends.

That just leaves me with dating apps. I don’t have a very high opinion of them since a lot of my friends just used them for hooking up and stuff. But my sister met her fiancé on a dating app and I think most of her friends have met their partners through dating apps. I’ve always hoped to meet someone in person but it just doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. Are dating apps the move now? Are there any which are best for people looking for serious relationships?

  1. Yeah, dating apps are pretty much the norm right now.

    You can find all kinds of people no matter where you go, but in general Tinder is more geared toward hookups, and Bumble & Hinge are more suited for serious relationships.

  2. Dating apps are definitely huge for sure and are a current norm. I feel like they’ll move away from being the thing here in a few years.

    I’d recommend bumble, it feels a lot better than tinder in my opinion and is more fun. Hinge is okay, in my area I’ve noticed it has a larger Christian population on it so that was a challenge for me being agnostic. That being said hinge gives you prompts to fill in for your bio so it does make it less of a physical/appearance driven experience.

    I have solitary hobbies too, I’d recommend looking to see if there are some more generally social things you might like to do. For example, a logos bar of mine does a piano jazz night and people LOVE that. I’ve met a few new friends going to that.

  3. > I considered taking classes for hobbies I’m into but I’d literally only do that as a way to seek a significant other which feels kind of weird

    Do it to expand your social network then, which would allow you to increase your opportunities to meet new people irl

    40% of relationships start on OLD

  4. One way or another, you’ll have to get out of your comfort zone to change that. A few suggestions :
    – You can look into meetup groups of people who share the same hobbies as you. For example I running can be a solitary hobby, but there are running groups who meet to run and then have brunch after and socialize.
    – You can explore potential new hobbies (ex. improv nights) or join associations / volunteer groups that gets you out of the house and meeting new people.
    – Join live or virtual dating events where you get to interact with people directly

  5. My colleague expressed interest in me and I was died hard set on someone else (I always will be for that person unfortunately, they were my other half). But this colleague had no idea and told me how he felt, and I had to graciously say no because I have so many feelings for that other person. I had to explain it of course because that was how I knew he would understand. And we keep it friendly but it is not the same. I miss their bubbly part of them (I thought it was their personality turns out the colleague was doing it to see if I would be interested). I give him props to shooting his shot though. Moral of the story is take your time before telling your colleague how you feel.

  6. I wouldn’t say they are the norm but they are very popular now. I use them as I am turning 30 in mid February but I definitely will always believe that approaching people in person will be the best way possible. things can go a much longer way than texting on a dating app for days at a time if you even meet them. ive had much better times talking in person first than on an app. it also shows that you are not only hiding behind your phone. any of the apps can bring a serious relationship, its just a matter of matching with the right person.

  7. Dating apps are just an easier option because you know people are on there looking to meet someone, but whether it’s for a hook-up or a relationship, and if it aligns with what you want is questionable, but, some people do have success finding their partner off of it.

    Do you go out at all with mates, to concerts, live events, bars etc.?

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