Title. Hopefully this is ok to post in this sub. Basically, I (F20) am a walking definition of a pick me girl. My best friend got out of an extremely toxic relationship about 2 years ago and is still in love with him so very much emotionally unavailable and not ready for commitment with other men. She has been talking to a lot of guys from tinder etc. and when it comes to meeting up with them, she brings me along so we form somewhat of a friendship group as like I said, she has no interest in anything serious with these people. I love my best friend to pieces and she is a very likeable person so there is no confusion about why these men catch feelings for her. My issue is that once I form friendships with these men, I become disappointed when they continue being head over heels for her and not me, despite her lack of desire to be with them or engage with them romantically. This is probably something which should be discussed with a therapist but if anyone could give any advice on how to stop feeling like this. It’s almost like I need validation from these men to know that I am not inferior to my friend for example, or that I am also worthy of being loved if that makes sense. I am in this situation now where I am friends with this man who talks about my best friend to me day in and day out, despite her making her feelings clear to him. I know how fucked up this sounds and trust me I am aware that it is not healthy. It is upsetting me so if anyone has any ideas as to why I feel the need to do this, please let me know.

Just to add, I do not catch feelings for these guys nor do I get with them. Also I know I must stop befriending these people and this will be my first step.

  1. you need a life of your own. why arent you going on dates. you are only part of your friends story instead of creating your own

  2. I was unable to completely read your post. Your friend maybe is a psychopath and is REALLY abusing your trust.

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