I know that it can be so difficult to point out such a thing to a friend. You might feel like maybe they won’t understand, that maybe it will worsen things or you are simply too shy. I get that but it will do you so much good and will take so much sadness off your shoulders.

If you have a friend that is a decent human being: they should understand you, apologise and change for the better; allowing you both to stay happy and to stay as friends. You also need to understand that your friend most likely didn’t mean it on purpose. They didn’t intentionally want to cause you sadness. Don’t take it so personally.

As an example (if you are interested) once a friend said something that hurt me quite a bit, but I pointed it out to them and they realised their mistake:

*We were discussing jewellery and a friend told me that she remembers that I have a silver bracelet on my hand. I was surprised that she knew that. She later asked me what jewellery she wears and I didn’t know and I got it wrong. She then says “It just depends on how much someone cares”, implying that I don’t care enough about her to remember what she wears. This instantly made me sad as I clearly do care about her and what she said isn’t true. I pointed it out that what she said made me sad and she instantly realised her mistake. She explained to me that she wanted to say that SHE cares about ME, but it just came out wrong. I felt better now knowing that it was just a misunderstanding, and we were all good. She apologised and that was that. I didn’t bottle up my feelings and I didn’t get negative thoughts. It made me feel so much better.*

Trust me, being honest will do God’s work for your relationship!

  1. I would love to agree with that statement. I have a friend from work who basically in a nutshell after I told him of my work goal’s basically shut me out. He won’t acknowledge me, won’t talk to me, basically dropped me like a mad hatter. We had been working together for two years. I thought we had a good friendship.!I’m completely hurt.

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