So yeah, we have been having amazing sex for 3 months now and each time we’d extend the amount of days we spent together. I was starting to catch the feels pretty early because well he’s amazing. So, I’ve been keeping that to myself as I was like no this is just for fun. WELL! yesterday, he made the revelation that he’s super into me. Hates the fact if anyone else was with me. So he was like where is this going…I was like same, so yeah we’re now exclusive and I couldn’t be happier *happy dance*. However, from just previous shit times with men being lying, cheating, ghosting, playing twats, my trust is sooo demolished. I want to trust him, but he’s so fit and amazing, I’m like why is he with me…insecurity issues I know. But yeah it’s making me feel like im being played again. Even though he’s paid for us to go away together and do dates etc. He’s always been open with his communication and honest, ive been the more sketchy one as i didnt want to get hurt. I don’t know what im really asking here 🙃😅 maybe just some positivity that something good is actually happening and im not getting mugged off 🤷‍♀️🤣

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