Throwaway for obvious reasons. I’m a horny teenager and like all horny teenagers do I mastrubate. A couple nights ago I got a little too crazy and came all over my sheets. I was disgusted, but I couldn’t wash them because my mother would get suspicious. So I did the next logical thing. I slept in my cum stained bed sheets. It was nasty but I truly felt as I had no choice. It’s been like 2 days and I’m changing my sheets tomorrow. I was just curious though, is sleeping in cum stained sheets/clothes bad and/or harmful?

TL;DR: I slept in my cum stained bed sheets for 2 days straight and am questioning if there is any risk of doing so.

  1. cum is sterilized. it even smells like chlorine.

    You are fine

    (also disgusting, but you gotta do what you gotta do)

    Note, that your mom may suspect the stain. It is a real hard stain to remove

  2. No risk of bacteria, etc. Next time that happens, I suggest using a towel or something between you and your wet sheets.

    Best of luck and be safe.

  3. Next time just get some paper towels and put them over the stain, dries it right up. Throw them in the bin with all the other tissues, problem solved

    And no, sleeping in jizz-stained sheets is not bad and will not hurt you. And your mom or dad probably won’t mind either if you ask them to wash the sheets because all adults were once teenagers making regular deposits in the whack-off warehouse.

  4. lol I’m a busy adult with a healthy sex life and can absolutely confirm that sleeping in cum sheets is just a part of life. You’re ok

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