There’s this chick at work that has been staring at me a lot. The only problem is that she’s busy at work. We work at a grocery store, and it’s typically busy. She’s a cashier. I have no problem with taking my shot. This might sound silly, but I feel that I’m trying to find the chance, but at the same time, it feels like I’m trying too hard. It might be my anxiety making me do that. I might just be making issues. Usually, I feel like I might come off as creepy or coming on too strong. Anything advice would be appreciated.

  1. Even when a coworker is begging to date you it’s always a terrible idea to date someone you work with. But when you’re not even sure of their interest , meaning hitting on them could mean you getting fired for harassment, it’s better to just not go there. There are a lot of people in the world you don’t work with whom you could date. So do that instead.

  2. Your feeling of possible regret doesn’t negate that this is still her place of employment and yours and you being 36 with her only being 24 … you absolutely run the risk of looking like the creepy old guy.

  3. You should care because this is her job and your job and some people really just go there to work, not date. Don’t do something that can make her uncomfortable at her own job. That’s crappy.

  4. I agree with the other comment about not dating people you work especially if there is a significant age gap or you’re in a position that’s higher than hers.

    But since you’re intent on shooting your shot, I’d try talking to her before her shift, after it during a break. Talk to her with the intent of being friendly, since you’re not sure she’s into you. Just keep interacting with her and over time you’ll figure out if she is interested in you or was just generally curious.

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