What was your “it can’t be that easy / it was that easy” moment in your life?

  1. Quitting my job after being with the company for sixteen years. Started as a summer assistant, worked my way through various departments, and left after being the VP of Sales for five years. I thought it was going to be a lot harder and emotional, but it was effortless.

  2. Writing a motivation letter / cover letter for a job application. Used ChatGTP and got invited for an interview

  3. Talking to a girl. Oddly, even after that lesson it was hard all over again with the next one.

  4. I was asked to change locks on a rental house, the owner had accidentally taken all the keys overseas and the new tenant was moving in.

    So my instructions were to break in and then install a new deadbolt.

    Couldn’t believe how quickly I was able to gain entry. And no, nobody came by to ask any questions either.

  5. Emigrating to Japan.

    Turned up as a tourist, met a karate instructor who offered to sponsor me, paid about $20 for the visa, got a job and started working.

  6. I studied for a week, took the exam for a Microsoft certification, got it and started earning six figures.

    Kept waiting for the hard part. But it never happened.

  7. Getting paid to climb trees. The actual work is as hard as I’d have thought. The thing that surprised me was that using a chainsaw 70′ off the ground is a proper profession with benefits.

  8. Coding.

    :/ I read a bit and had it figured out so fast, it was a very odd experience since I suck at math so I didn’t expect to understand this at all. I had a life crisis from studying biochemistry all along for nothing, since I had finally found something I didn’t suck at.

    Mastering coding is another story nevertheless.

  9. Drove a tractor into a pen and it died, 4 hrs later they couldn’t figure out what was wrong but it wouldn’t crank.

    They replaced the fuel cap and didn’t tell anyone, causing vapor lock on the tank. Loosened the cap and cranked immediately, used it the rest of the day.

  10. I would say college. People keep saying it’s hard. But then when I finished it I was like “ that’s it? Lol” I didn’t do easy major, I graduated with Business Information Systems as major and environmental science as minor.

  11. Finishing my degree, I started at 20 and am just now finishing at 33. I went to a community college at first that tried way too hard to be as difficult as possible, then a state university that was great, but I couldn’t get the classes I needed while working. I finally switched to a university that has fully online programs. It has taken me less than three years to finish up going at a pretty reasonable pace.

  12. When Google Maps finally became reliable enough to get me to my destination with turn-by-turn directions over my car speakers. “Your destination is on the left.” Fuck, yeah, it is! From 200mi away, to exactly where I want to be.

  13. Progressing in your career. All you have to do is care and put in some effort…. Because nobody else does now days. Everyone is concerned about making things work exactly the way they envisioned them, nobody is willing to sacrifice to even a small degree any more. It makes it easy to stand out in the workforce.

  14. Moving away for college. I was always attached at the hip to my parents and family and they were so shocked I had chosen to go to college halfway across the country, rather than a couple hour drive from where I grew up.

    The first night was tough, but after that it was pretty easy to assimilate myself in to a different part of the country and learn a new way of life. Didn’t think it would be that easy.

  15. Becoming a freelance editor. I had only been doing it as a side gig for a few months before I quit my day job to become a full-time freelancer. My boss had refused a request to cut back from 5 days a week to 4 days a week and I made the (possibly foolhardy) decision to hand in my notice.

    I was able to get enough business and repeat clients that the transition was pretty easy, although there have definitely been times where the work and income was less stable than with a regular job.

  16. Earning $200k+/yr

    As soon as I broke into $100k, anything that came up after, a pay raise, a job change, a promotion, the possibility of a job change, etc, offered a significant bump to the tune of tens of thousands. No more of this, your performance was great, here’s an extra 25¢/hr; instead it became, you’re a valuable asset, here’s a 10% increase and an extra 4 hours PTO per pay period.

    The other thing was the increase in perks. Like gifts from my employer or vendors up to $2k sometimes. I remember my college days making minimum wage and figuring out how much I made per minute when I was bored, and I just can’t believe how times have changed

  17. Doing a backflip, I just followed the instructions my friend told me and I just did it.

  18. Becoming a published author. I just wrote some stuff and sent it out and on the third submission I got accepted and got paid. I didn’t get paid much, but I got paid nonetheless.

  19. Leaving my ex at her fathers house…. Took me a week of support from the guys at work and psyching myself up. Took 15 minutes and I changed my life.

  20. Getting low value women to take interest in and want you sexually.

    This isnt a good thing btw. Its jus something thats easy to do

  21. Writing. About 90% of what I’ve written and submitted for publication has been published and gets good reviews. It’s been this way my whole life.

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