Can you tell us any way to cultivate myself in this area of knowing how men conversations are going ( hidden YouTube videos, blogs,…) or even some videos or ideas that changed your life and way of thinking. Because I really feel empty inside and cannot keep any conversation going .
This also other problem is how to deal with men. Because actually i have just sisters and i m in my 20s so don’t really know how the discussions are made with men (the deep things) in a masculine manner too, really all the same senarios of superficial relationships are repeating themselves every time. Do not have a point of view, always saying yes,..

  1. I somewhat understand what you’re asking, but understand that the guy you are talking to is as unique as you. He may love soccer and not football, love cooking, or have no time for any of those because he is part of a theatre company. I know guys that fit each of these groups – so find out what the guy likes or does for a living or for fun.

  2. If you feel empty talking to other men, that’s because conversations with other men are typically empty and fairly topical.

    The exception is when you find a man or group of men who are really into your niche hobby or interest.

  3. So listen and learn in groups, think about what your opinion is before you speak, be honest and back yourself up with reason. Also don’t worry or get offended if someone disagrees with you it’s all part of how we communicate and learn

  4. At times I feel like I fit in with other men, and others I definitely feel like I don’t. I tend to fit in with women more, and that would make sense since I was raised by a family of all women.

  5. What are these “the deep things”? My brother would sometimes walk in and say some shit like what if there’s this doorway that replaces you with an identical replica but it was controlled by an alien? Sometimes, I would throw out a comment about society or what I liked about a character to a friend as we watch a sitcom and we go off from there.

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