Ok, so long story short I have shit luck with women. I’m a virgin who’s never had a girlfriend and my last attempts at cultivating a relationship went terribly. First attempt was talking to a girl and we agreed to meet up on Valentine’s Day. Yet, she ghosted me and moved on to another guy. After that my friends tried to set me up with some girl, I added her on Snapchat and before I even got to text her she just messaged me “ew, gross.” After that I tried to ask this girl to senior prom and she said yes, but afterwards she secretly tried to ask someone else and not go with me. After that I went with someone else to prom and we hit it off pretty well and even had a date. The date went well but she ghosted me afterwards and we never met up again. I asked my folks what the issue might be and they told me it might be my personality and how I talk to women. My dad told me I was acting to nerdy when I talked to women while on dates, and that I needed to talk about other stuff. I decided to take his advice but I’d like other advice too. How else can I have a better personality for women besides not being as nerdy. I don’t want to get ghosted or called gross again so I really want to improve

TLDR, women find me gross, unattractive, and often ghost me. I’d like to improve my personality so this doesn’t happen again.

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