Hey so I’m worried my coworkers went out tonight behind my back. The reason is because one of my coworkers was talking about going out after work and she invited me. We picked out where we were going and everything

Side bar that may be relevant, there’s this other girl I’ve been flirting with there for a while. She has a boyfriend but they’re always off and on. I’m not actually pursuing it but I gave her my number 2 days ago on a piece of paper. Her boyfriend found it and texted the WRONG number yelling at me. She thought I got it and the next day at work she said she was so sorry about that. The text didn’t go to me so it didn’t matter. I ended up just giving her my number at work and she texted me while I was standing there

Ok sidebar over, so I was walking over to the two people who I was supposed to go out with and they were talking to the girl who I gave my number. I heard something about “shhh he’s coming” (not 100% sure I heard that but I feel like I did). Idk if they were asking her to go out or if it was relevant but she left an hour before the rest of us anyway. Later that night I asked the girl who originally planned going out if we were still going. She said “no everyone’s tired we’re not gonna go out tonight” and was a little overly apologetic about it. Then another dude who was supposed to go out who left work earlier came back to work dressed nice and everything like he was ready to go out

I asked him why he came back and he said “just to get free beer I live 2 minutes from here”. Another person asked “why is *person who’s dressed nice* dressed to go out if you guys aren’t going out?” And the girl who originally had to plan to go out said “because we decided not to go out when he was driving here”

Now I know all this could be true and I could be anxious and paranoid over nothing but I get a weird feeling. From an outside perspective does it seem like they were going to go out anyway and were avoiding me and waiting for me to leave? Or do you think what everyone told me is true? How should I confront this?

  1. Don’t mess with a girl whose got a boyfriend, he’s not a great person by that reaction alone, but you are literally inviting drama into your life by texting her. She’s either going to hide that you’re texting her (emotionally cheating) or he’ll find out and cause trouble for her (if you like her, why do you want to cause her stress?).

    Also, she’s your coworker and you’re already worried they might be excluding you, what do you think would happen if you guys get together? Or break up?

    Just don’t. But you will. So just be realllllllly careful.

  2. Sometimes people’s perceptions of how close they are with their co workers isn’t necessarily how their co worker sees it – someone thinks it’s a friendship, other person thinks your still an acquaintance.

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