So long story, I went to pick up some pizza and this guy who works there was helping me and he was so cute and smiling real big. And I was smiling too but didn’t know what to say when it comes to asking someone out. So I need some advice here. The only thing I could think of when he was asking if I need any plates or pepper was yeah can I get your phone number. But I don’t know if that would be good to say or not so all I said was no thank you and that was it. I’ve never had a boyfriend before and I’m not good in social situations, any advice for the next time I see a cute guy that I wanna ask out.

  1. Please don’t hit on people when they, or you, are working.

    It’s his job to be friendly and polite.

  2. Id say disregard these people and just go for it. People that dont take chances or risks will never get anywhere. But you should make sure it isnt busy there maybe even come back again or a few times . . .it might click in their head that you are into him. Make sure he is single. . . .Just ask him if he is single if he is then just follow it up if he would wanna hang out after work sometime like bowling shooting pool or something like that

  3. I think you probably know by now that sales associates, including servers, wait staff, bar tenders, etc. are paid to be nice to customers. So, don’t read too much into such a person being overly nice to you in those situations. Not to rain on your parade, and I’m also not suggesting that sometimes chemistry doesn’t happen between a customer and a customer service person but if it does, you can handle it in a number of graceful ways that leave you an out while also respecting the customer service person. What you could have said is something along the lines of: “Thanks! You’re nice, we should hang out sometime.” and leave it at that. If he’s interested, he’ll follow up with you either immediately or the next time you see him. If he doesn’t, let it go.

  4. In this scenario you should give him your number instead of asking for his. He’s at work and you don’t want to make things awkward especially if he doesn’t want to give it out. If you give him your number he has the option to call or not instead of being put on spot.

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