What’s the Kindest Thing a Stranger Has Ever Done for You?

  1. i’m a student and work as a cashier on the weekend, some months ago i was really tired and sick on my shift and i’d guess it was obvious to people shopping there, some girl came in and payed for her stuff, before leaving she gave me a chocolate tablet and told me to push through for what’s left of the shift, i smiled and genuinely felt happy, still makes me smile when i remember her.

  2. When I was a teenager went to Walmart and my mom was paying on her layaway and they told her that her balance was paid off. She got hit by one of those secret Santa people that’d just go in and pay off peoples layaways during the holidays

  3. My first child was born. My boss told me I didn’t need to take time off. He left me as active so I kept pulling my salary, but just wouldn’t put me on the schedule so I didn’t need to come in.

    I didn’t come in for about 3 months and drew regular pay for the whole time, and still had all my paternity and vacation time in my bank.

  4. He saved my life by stoping to kicking me in my head whem i was beaten up by him and laying on ground.

  5. I had a fuck ton of change in my car. Like $20 worth, so I decided to spend it down by going to a taco truck. The guy behind me in line goes “I know it’s a struggle bro, I got you” and hands me $20. It was a very confusing moment so I just said thank you and proceeded to buy the tacos with my new $20 bill rather than the handful of change I had

  6. When I went to buy my phone I was a tad bit short, and the guy checking me went in his pocket, and gave me the rest of the money and I bought the phone

    God bless him

  7. My glasses fell off my face and broke.

    Anyways, this girl had seen it happen. She then took it upon herself to run to the store when she got off to fix them. Came back 4 hours later and fixed my glasses and still working just fine.

    It was different for a stranger to do something for me and saved me the stress.

  8. I was a medical student on my first day on an away rotation in an ER at a small rural hospital, 2 hours from my home. (I slept in the dorms at the hospital.)

    I forgot my wallet the first week. My attending (“boss”) found out and gave me $100 on the spot and said “don’t worry about it.”

  9. gave me something for free when i asked for it that’s not from a charity or salvation source.

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