Asking about a relationship!!! URGENT

Hey guys, I’m asking for an advice, I know it probably won’t help but anw… I’ve been talking to a girl (18f) since she was 16. I wont tell my age because I suspect her to be on that subreddit (but I am of age to date her). So we were dating a few years ago, but our relashonship never took off. I then went into a relationship with my now ex-girlfriend that lasted a bit over a year. The thing is I never stopped talking to the girl I dated prior ( we always had daily conversations on snap). I always had feelings for her but she had anxiety problems at the time and still propably have some. She texted me a few months ago and told me she was jealous when I was with my ex the whole time. A few weeks ago, she told me that if I would happen to have a relationship with another girl she’d be jealous (I don’t think it’s the crazy bad type of jealousy but anw…). The thing is I’d date her on the dot but she now lives a few hours away for college. She also sometimes says crazy thing about sex but I think it’s just her nature (ex: I’d like your ass, do you want my pussy ; but she always says she joking afterwards). Recently we have been calling a few times a week for a couple hours and I don’t know if it’s bad. The other day, I happened to go to the said town where the college is for meetings. She was texting me and we were both at the mall. She texted me we should see each other and I told her the store I was in. Never saw her, but she told me she saw me, and panicked, which I can believe is true because it wouldn’t be the first time she panicks when she sees me. In about 2 weeks she’ll be coming for a party and I don’t know if I should go foward, I believe so but there’s also signs that tells me she’s not into me in the story. Give me your thoughts guys!

  1. I would just tell her how you feel and say you don’t wanna keep guessing what she wants. If she doesn’t feel the same way than at least you can get her out of your hair and move on. It’s not healthy to maintain a relationship with a person like that in general nevertheless during a different real relationship.

  2. She’s into you…just shy and probably has anxiety…take it slow with her but do pursue her

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