These are all so great!

  1. I got a vaccine when I was very little…. I think we all do (my people). My wife has it as well.

  2. I broke my arm snowboarding and had surgery. Now my wrist has a scar from being cut open. When people see it they assume I tried to kill myself lol

  3. I was 4 or 5 years old. Saw my sister one day sliding across hardwood floor on her knees in a vast hallway having fun. I did the same… except I ended up crying with a bloodied leg. Details are hazy, but I still have a scar on my right kneecap.

  4. Small scar on my left temple i got when i was very little. An old two person swing at a park was shaped like a big metal rocket and the fin hit me in the head.

  5. My hand got caught on a fence I hopped in middle school so I have a line from in between my middle and ring finger going down about 2.5 inches

  6. I was shooting an air pistol, of the break-barrel kind, at something like 13 years of age.

    Upon one reload, I managed to pinch the skin between my thumb and index finger between those two machined metal surfaces, putting a bit of effort into clapping them together.

    27 years later, that flap of skin still looks like some small critter just took a bite out of it.

    I distinctly remember actually taking the shot I had intended to do at the target, and seeing a piece of skin stuck between the barrel and the body of the pistol, almost obscuring the view to the sights. Especially with it being a sweaty, hot afternoon, I can honestly say it stung quite enough.

  7. Well my mom had thing where she’d beat me in the same spot so now I have a huge scar from my shoulder to my my chest.

  8. I kneed myself in the face and broke one of my front teeth jumping hurdles in elementary school, left a scar on my knee

  9. Early 90’s. Older brother and I were chasing each other around the house and I turned around to see where he was, ran head first into a wall.

    The scar from the massive gash has mostly disappeared but you can still kinda feel it.

  10. Motocross accident. I was about 12 years old and I was training at my friends house for a race a few days later. Rode about 3/4 of a hot lap, no one told me they refaced the jumps beforehand, and as soon as I left the face of a 60’ tabletop, I knew I was fucked. The last thing I remember was pinning the throttle in mid air (if your front end is down, giving the bike a little throttle can help correct this issue…unless you’re already too far gone- which I was) and I woke up in the ambulance. From about 20’ up, I landed on my stomach on the landing ramp, and my bike (RM 125) landed on my back.

    Wound up with some nasty scars all at once- along with a broken arm, broken nose, broken cheek, broken femur, and a fractured neck. I ended up getting back on my bike again, but I was never as fast as I was…

    Also, my best friend who had the track on his property ended up doing the same exact thing about an hour prior to me. We both had *exactly* the same injuries. Fuckin’ wild.

  11. Visible – IV Blood Draw from my hospital visit.

    Not visible- Super deep emotional scar in my heart. I hope I recover ASAP.

  12. Flew through a windshield… Used to be a dumbass at 18 that didn’t believe in wearing a seat belt.

  13. Was tussling with a fella in a youthful scrap when i was a young punk and his girl pulled a bread knife from her purse and tried to stab me in the gut

    I caught her wrist but then she yanked her hand away and sliced my thumb to the bone

    The amount of blood freaked them out and they took off and I barely remember getting help due to blood loss

  14. I see these questions, and think of GPT-3 and ex machina, and how I should stop answering needless questions on the internet like these.

  15. I tried to iron a t shirt in middle school and burned my hand instead of the shirt. There’s now a triangle on my left hand near my thumb

  16. Caught my thumb with a skilsaw years ago. Still have the thumb and the scar almost 50 yrs later

  17. Have one across my neck. My beard usually covers it, but if seen or asked (usually curious women), they think it was something gruesome, suicidal or things like that and nah, I had a branchial cleft cyst removed.

  18. Had an evil stepfather who particularly liked to abuse my ears as no visible marks. Have had to have partially- successful reconstructive surgeries

  19. Ran at a door with a glass pane in it. Broke through. On pulling my arm out severed the radial artery in my wrist and a bunch of tendons etc. About 20 years ago, scar still looks new.

  20. When I was 18, I was at a party to celebrate my graduation, I went to pour myself a drink because no one was a the bar, and suddenly I became the bartender and everyone asked me for drinks.
    I happily gave them and took some shots and at one point I was so drunk I could barely see or think. There was a broken l bottle of vodka and I drank from it even though people told me it’s broken and i knew it was broken, and I opened my upper lip and had to get stitches.

    Next morning when I woke up, wearing completely different clothes not knowing how the hell I got to my room, I felt that my lips were sore, checked myself at the mirror and found out I had stitches.

    4 years have passed and I don’t drink since that night, and the scar has gotten a lot better.

  21. I got stabbed because I assumed a dude didn’t have a knife.

    He did. Didn’t even realise he stabbed me at first, just thought he punched really hard. Fucking weird how much adrenaline will make you ignore shit

  22. Bad neighborhood, got grazed by a bullet.

    Jumped off house roof onto trampoline, knee smashed into skull, cut an eyebrow open

    Stupid country kid growing up, carving into wood between my legs, holding knife in a bad way, lock malfunctioned, knife closed on my thumb

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