I was in a 6 months relationship with a girl (22F) who used to study in same university as me(22M). Before we started dating, I liked a girl but never talked to her properly. After 2 months of my relationship, I started talking to that girl(21F). We became friends and we started talking 24/7. She knew more about my routine than my girlfriend (now ex) (22F). I started to have feelings for feelings for her(21F) and while I was in a relationship I used to think about her even when I was with my then girlfriend. One day my then girlfriend now ex found out that I am talking to another girl and she asked and I agreed to stop talking to that girl(21F) to save my relationship. While I was agreeing to stop talking to that girl I felt I was doing and at that moment I realised that I love that girl(21F) I still agreed as my girlfriend was physically present with me.
After this incident I started having problems in my relationship. We used to fight, there was lack of trust and lack of communication. I still had feelings for that girl. I broke up 4 months later and now when I contact that girl (21F) I was told that she also had feelings for me ( she never expressed them in past) and she got a really bad heart disease while I was not in contact with her. We started talking again, we still talk now and when I expressed my feelings to her ( I never did in past I only used to flirt with her) she told me she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore and her family found someone to get her engaged with because she lost all the hope of me coming back to her life so she said yes for that engagement. But now as we talk I feel the same, I feel she still has feelings for me and she still wants to be with me. We live in different parts of the world but She still stays up late just to talk to me. She makes me feel wanted and I obviously love her and want her more than anything.
But she doesn’t express her feelings. She denies every time I ask her. I tried to convince her but she tells me not to talk about it. Should I wait for her to express her feelings?
What should I do? She is getting engaged very soon and I don’t want to lose her.

  1. I’m not trying to insult you but you have the maturity of a teenager. And what you have with her is nothing more than a fantasy that will never be practical. Please leave this girl alone.

  2. You don’t love her, you have a crush on her. If she’s smart she’s not going to get with the guy who was being a sleaze and chatting her up while he had a girlfriend. Clearly, she is smart. Move on.

  3. I’m a hopeless romantic…go see the girl and express your love for her in person and if she says no… then let her go and get married. At least you have tried. But she can also say yes. You’ll never know unless you see her.

  4. >she told me she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore and her family found someone to get her engaged with because she lost all the hope of me coming back to her life so she said yes for that engagement

    She’s engaged. And said she has no feelings for you. Also, you live on opposite sides of the world.

    This is a fantasy of yours, nothing more.

    You’re manifesting everything in your head:

    * she doesn’t have feelings for me
    * We live in different parts of the world
    * I feel she still has feelings for me and she still wants to be with me.
    * She makes me feel wanted and I obviously love her and want her more than anything
    * she doesn’t express her feelings
    * She denies every time I ask her
    * I tried to convince her but she tells me not to talk about it

    Move on dude. It’s not in the cards.

  5. So.. you basically had feelings for someone you never actually dated. And you had these feelings while you had a girlfriend..

    This friend says she doesn’t have feelings for you, won’t admit to any feelings, she’s getting married because she already said yes to an engagement. She lives very far from you now..

    How does this sound like a good idea?

    I’m sorry, but it really doesn’t. Please tell me you see that.

  6. You need to develop a relationship with paragraphs.

    This girl isn’t interested anymore however, so move on.

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