Men who have slept with women (or men) you weren’t attracted to or weren’t THAT attracted to, why did you do it and how did you feel afterwards?

  1. If you want a brutally honest answer I do it because I want to get laid and have no thoughts about it afterwards.

  2. “it’s better than the hand”. Sometimes you gotta slay some dragons before you get the princess.

  3. Sex is sex. Just because you’re not super attracted to someone, it doesn’t mean the sex can’t be good or great. If it’s just for sex and both parties know this – it’s perfectly fine. And it didn’t make me feel bad or anything, for that reason.

  4. Sex is sex. Just because you’re not super attracted to someone, it doesn’t mean the sex can’t be good or great. If it’s just for sex and both parties know this – it’s perfectly fine. And it didn’t make me feel bad or anything, for that reason.

  5. I did it because they were there and willing, though sometimes it turned out they had kinks that got me going. If that was the case I’d usually have them back once or twice. This was during a period where I’d spent a lot of time working on picking up women and had developed a bit of a sex addiction. I didn’t really feel much afterwards. Most of the time I didn’t even know their name. It becomes like any other unhealthy habit or addiction after a while, you negotiate with yourself that you won’t do it, go out on the town anyway, then tell yourself “this is the last time” when you do.

  6. How do you feel when you eat food that came from a restaurant or store instead a home-cooked meal from someone you love?

    Same deal. You feel physically satisfied and have little to no emotional reaction.

  7. I was an all star wingman back in the day. I’ve jumped on the grenade plenty of times.

    Your friends buy your drinks so that resolves any feelings you may have about it.

  8. Because sometimes i just want someone to hold late at night or sometimes im horny and its better than jerkin off. Afterwards Its me thinking about all the work i got to do though out the week.

  9. I wanted to get laid and felt like garbage midway through the foreplay. I called her a cab so she could get home. After that, I never did that again, the post nut clarity would’ve been even worst.

  10. I used to get drunk every weekend in my 20s and have sex most weekends with varying standards of girls. I’ve been with some beautiful girls, but they are in the minority. I love sex, so standards were lowered to get it.

  11. (Wasn’t attracted at all) 2 girls that I barely tolerated…it s been 15 Years and I still feel some disgust remembering it

  12. It depends.

    I slept with one woman who I was not attracted physically to when I sober but when I had some liquor in me I found her physically and emotionally sexy and tore that up. She had wanted to sleep with me for a long while and she definitely put some drinks in me for the purpose of trying to get us both laid. I didn’t feel terrible afterward and we had sex a few times after that.

    I slept with a woman who I did not find attracted at all, but I had just got cheated on and decided to return the favor. I felt horrible about that one. I felt like I had done two people wrong that day, the woman who wanted to sleep with me because she liked me but I was using for my own personal revenge, and my girlfriend at the time, who despite the fact that she cheated on me, I still (thought I loved).

    Anyway I do not drink anymore. And no matter what happens I won’t ever take advantage of someone. I’ve grow a lot since then.

  13. Have you ever eaten something that wasn’t particularly delicious but you were hungry and it was easily accessible? That’s pretty much the same mentality.

  14. I did it two times to explore my sexuality. It can be fun while it lasts but I always feel empty afterwards. In my case it’s not worth the effort… and it can easily go wrong because I really have to feel an emotional bond to 100% enjoy sex.

  15. What’s the difference between weed and pussy?



    When you smell weed across the room, you know it’s good.

  16. After my breakup (was cheated on) I just wanted to feel sexually appealing. So I ended up having sex with a few large girls (very very large) just because they offered. I regretted it every time but needed the validation. It was a shitty time in my life.

    – also I know this can sound fatphobic or whatever so let me point out, it was less about their size and more about the fact that I had zero attraction to them, I just needed the validation, one girl even threw up on a wall while I was hitting it from behind…. That haunted the fuck out of me, couldn’t perform without thinking about it for months. I’m sure it haunted her more than it haunted me….

  17. She has a nice ass

    She was also the first and only girl so far to approach me and give strong hints

  18. My roommate was very into a girl, but that girl’s roommate would often prevent my buddy from taking her out or taking her home.

    So one night I decided I would keep the roommate entertained/distracted for the night.

  19. I was on a dry streak and she made it pretty clear she wanted to have sex. (Tinder match)

    I felt pretty gross after cause she was even less attractive than she seemed, so I pretended to fall asleep until she left.

  20. Slump busters have to happen once in a while.

    Afterward I felt empty but relieved.

  21. She wasn’t the type I usually go for, but she let me do *anything.* Don’t underestimate highly accessible anything goes sex. I didn’t feel much afterwards, mostly because she always left once we were done (kinda shocker to me at first).
    However she caught feelings so I broke our fwb-relationship. Sex was nice, but not that important that I would lead someone on, even though she was sad it was better to end it. Think she’s engaged now.

  22. Did that once. We had matched on a dating app. She was upfront that she had undergone some drastic weight loss, and there was a lot of excess skin. She offered fwb but told me not to go through with it if I wasn’t attracted in person. It was several weeks before we met, and we got to know each other pretty well in the meantime. When we met, I could immediately see some of the…folds through her clothes. She has a very pretty face, though, and over the course of the day with her, I found myself being more attracted to her. Eventually, she asked to go back to my place, and I was feeling pretty turned on, so we did.

    When she took off her clothes, she asked if I was sexually attracted to her. In hindsight, I should have been honest and said no. But at the time, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I lied and said yes. So we proceeded to have sex. I was very passive since I wasn’t into it. She paused a few times to ask if I wanted to stop. I didn’t want to upset her, so I said I wanted to keep going, but internally, I was just waiting for her to finish.

    She texted me the next day, calling me out for doing the thing she asked me not to. She said it was painfully obvious the entire time that I was attracted to her. I tried to apologize, but I never heard from her again.

    It’s probably my biggest regret. I feel like we could have been great friends, but I fucked it up because I was horny and afraid to hurt her feelings. In an effort to spare her feelings, I made the wrong choice and hurt her even more.

    I wish I could take it back so much. But a friend of mine helped me forgive myself a bit. She explained that the woman put me in a vulnerable position where I would have to be the one to put a stop to it. If it was so obvious I wasn’t into it, as she said, she could have ended things.

    I have no choice but to take it as a learning experience. It’s a lesson learned in multiple ways. First, I’ll never again have sex with someone I’m not attracted to. Second, I’ll never lie to spare someone’s feelings, even if the truth may hurt more.

  23. Sex is sex, there are no preconditions or attachments to the woman involved unless there’s been substantial footwork at creating the foundation for a relationship from both sides involved. If you give a guy access to sex he’s going to take it because that’s what guys want even if it’s from someone we don’t like or want a relationship with, it’s because men have a very primal need to procreate and it’s very natural for us.

    Your question brings up a response question. If women have a problem with a guy doing that just for sex, then why did you sleep with him instead of taking your time to vet him so you could figure out if he was worth having sex with by getting into a committed relationship with?

  24. >Why did you do it?


    >How did you feel afterwards?

    The self disgust complimented my hangover nicely.

  25. Because I was horny and they were available. Afterwards, I felt like it was more fulfilling than a wank.

  26. It was horrible and I felt terrible about it and Gulity. It was actually my 1st time at 17 in a shed. She had her bedroom in the shed.

    I was so desperate at the time to lose my virginity that when she asked me to be her boyfriend. I said yes without a second thought.

    I would force myself to make out with her, hold hands and have sex with her that I felt Gulity (as I should). I had to close my eyes and think of another woman I actually liked at the time to even get it up.

    I essentially lost a close friend with a woman because of my selfish want to no longer be a virgin at the age of 17. I really did like this woman but only as a friend. We had so much in common. I should of just friendoned her. I miss hanging out with her as friends but that’s how it is unfortunately. I fucked up and now learnt from it

    I still feel terrible about it at the age of 28 age regret it and thats why I now only try to date women who I’m attracted to and completely understand when a women rejects me it she isn’t attracted. You can’t force it and it’s horrible to lead someone on like that

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