For me, it’s 100% music and writing, they go hand in hand too.

If I’m not writing lyrics for more songs to record, then I’ll be writing either my own original stories, or my version of events of TV shows I like.

  1. I’m passionate about building things. Any things, but what I seem to gravitate to most are home renos. I love improving my house and being able to enjoy the results of my work every day. Also I save tons of money by not hiring contractors for everything.

    Everyone says “you’re not actually saving money. You simply don’t put a value on your time so it seems like you’re saving.” But I truly enjoy what I do, and I see no reason to work more hours at a job that I don’t *mind* but I’m not passionate about, just so I can hire a professional to do what makes me happy.

  2. Community service, my job, playing tabletop role-playing games like DnD, board games, my wife, our friends, creative writing.

  3. Running. Nothing is more satisfying than a long hilly run that leaves my legs twitching. Also love the satisfaction of working my ass off to run a distance/time that the people around me can’t imagine. Next up is 100mi race with 20,000ft of vertical gain.

  4. Art, Investing, and Business. I have links to free shit if anyone wants them but that’s about as far as I really go in terms of “selling” to people. I just like art and creating things. Knowing business and investing helps me create art and make a living from it.

    Even if I wasn’t making money I’d still learn about business and investing, and create art. To me, I’m more like “Look what I made!” and I’m proud of it. If people want to buy it, that’s cool too! I have links in the bio if anyone is curious about my work or wants to buy stuff.

  5. Playing sports, watching sports (A’s and Warriors fan), politics, gaming, writing, dating, and music.

  6. Estate Sales. I enjoy looking at everyone’s hoard they have collected over their whole life. There are great deals too and I enjoy the “flipping” aspect but mainly just seeing all the weird and amazing things I don’t even know about.

  7. Science (also my profession—I’m a molecular biologist—but I like reading widely outside my field too)

    Classical music, especially modern (20th/21st century) classical, opera, and early music (medieval/Renaissance/early Baroque)

    Theatre, although not musicals. I think opera occupies the niche for me that musicals might otherwise claim, though I have seen some musicals that I like (*Sunday in the Park with George*, *Cabaret*, *My Fair Lady*, etc.). I’m also really fond of *The Beggar’s Opera* by John Gay, which is a kind of Augustan-era progenitor of the “jukebox musical”.

    Classic literature, especially of the Greek/Roman writers (I was a Classics major before making the jump to biology), the medieval era, and the early modern era, as well as 20th/21st century literature. In all of these eras, drama is one of my biggest interests, which goes hand-in-hand with the interest in theatre. My childhood and young adulthood was shaped by a local avant-garde theatre I went to all the time, and it left a lasting influence on my tastes in plays and stagings.

    Fine arts, especially painting and sculpture (I read Benvenuto Cellini’s autobiography at a young and impressionable age.)

    History, especially of the Classical and Renaissance eras, as well as maritime history and the history of science.

  8. Loads of shit. Producing music, playing instruments, gardening, cars, building things, tech, growing stuff, sculpting/painting, clubbing, helping my mates renovate houses, soldering/coding electronics. Anything that means I’m doing something really. Life is full of interesting things to get your teeth into.

  9. Tearing into something that interests me and getting to understand every single bit of it. Can be story lore, music, film, video games, etc.

  10. eating, it used to be clean and healthy but i realize i can eat all these foods considered unhealthy for a bodybuilder while building muscle 😁

    as long as i do my cardio tho lol

  11. I’m passionate about playing drums, cooking, gardening, and teaching my children.

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