NEET = not in employment education or training

I have no money for classes and I’m looking for jobs but I don’t think I’ll be able to make friends there if I have to focus on work

I’m sick of being alone and regularly getting dark thoughts, my mood is low all the time and I need someone to chill out with

I’m autistic but I can hide some of my traits it’s just stressful, but I’ll do it if I don’t have to be alone 24/7

  1. Focus on getting a job, once you get one, try your best to make friends with your co workers, then when you have enough money you can buy a used car or make payments on one if you have decent credit. Next you can start driving yourself to classes or buy a gym membership and start going to the gym as a new hobby to get in shape and meet other gym bros. The world is full of opportunities and all it takes is a bit of hard work. Get after it.

  2. If you’re in Raleigh, NC hit me up.

    Quick and easy, find a local church. If you’re not religious, find a church group that just chills out and doesn’t talk religion. They’re common.

  3. sadly man, I think you’ll just have to dig yourself out before you and go out and meet people. You don’t have the resources right now, and you’re just not even in the right mental state for people to want to be close to you. Think of new friends as some fine dining. Just an experience you can’t have until you make that money. If you fix your life up, the rest will come. c’mon bro, you can do it, go find a job somewhere, anywhere and get the ball rolling. the longer the ball stays put, the more inertia it accumulates until it just becomes immovable and you’ll be stuck for life.

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