My mother in law has hated me our entire marriage. Backstory she got pregnant at 17 and I was 19 and they told me I had to marry her or I could have anything to do with her. We finally got married 3years later and have been married for 22 years now. We have 4 children but her parents have hated my guts our entire marriage I have confronted them about it and they would always say no we love you, which I knew was bullshit. Her father passed away in 2018 and I have struggled with addiction problems and I do not hold a grudge against her mother because I was a asshole for a couple of years. Let me just say if you have childhood trauma get help it doesn’t get better. Anyway my wife’s mother said and accused me of something I didn’t do but once again I didn’t get mad about what I was accused of but it was proven with out a doubt I didn’t do it . So from 2019 to 2022 she would do things to show she didn’t care for me and my wife would always brush off my feelings about it. That was until Christmas 2022 when her mother made a book of family pictures of which I was nowhere to be found and when my wife asked her she lied straight to my wife who believed it until it was proven she lied . Since the 17th of December it’s been one hurt after another to me my wife but when I suggested confronting her mother she gets angry and just blast me for saying she should go and let her know . It’s been a lifetime of her parents treating her like she was dirt compared to her no good brother. I am at a loss as what to do. My wife just will not stand up for herself or me and I’m afraid if I just go the hell off and let the monster in law have it my marriage will be over. But I’m almost done with the whole situation!

1 comment
  1. You don’t have to have a relationship with her. Set clear boundaries with her and your wife.

    Your wife can have what ever relationship she wants her mother, but you don’t have to.

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