How many of your grandparents are still around and what’s the age difference?

  1. All four of mine are still alive. The age difference between me and the eldest is about 52 years.

  2. I’m old. My grandparents are long gone. They were born around the turn of the century. I was the youngest child of youngest children, so they were in their 60s by the time I was born.

  3. My mother’s parents died in 2018 (87) and 2021 (91), I was 21 in 2018. My father’s parents are still alive, they are 85 and 88. As a bonus I knew my paternal grandmother’s parents as well, I was 4 when my great grandmother died in 2001 and 7 when my great grandfather died at 94 in 2004.

  4. I lost my last grandparent (Grandfather on my father’s side whom I was very close with) during the pandemic (fortunately not because of COVID itself). But I wasn’t able to see him on his death bed due to travel restrictions. I am in Switzerland and he was in Latin America.

    I said my farewells through a phone call.

    I still haven’t processed his passing and feel like I haven’t properly mourned.

  5. Only one grandmother still alive. She’s in her early 80’s. My grandfather (same side) died at 66 about 15 years ago. My other grandparents died ~2010 at 95 and 84. I am now 36 years old. Despite the massive difference in my grandparents ages, my parents are only 1 year apart lol.

  6. My last grandparent died in 1994, and my last great grandparent died in 1977 just months before my marriage. She was born in 1886 and used to give me cookies and milk when I visited

  7. None. Longest lived one died in the mid 90s. Another one died in the early 90s, another in the late 80s, and the fourth died before I was born.

  8. 3 are still alive. I think they are in their mid-late 80s. Im 35.

    One of my grandfathers died in 2021.

  9. I have no grandparents left. I was 33 when I lost my last grandparent, my mom’s mom. My mom’s dad passed from lung cancer over a decade before I was born.

    But her step dad, he was a real grandfather plus some to me. I didn’t even know he was her step dad until I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade.

    My dad’s dad passed when I was about 7. Then my pappy (mom’s step dad) I lived with passed when I was 19. Then my dad’s mom passed when I was 21. Then my mom’s mom passed when I was 33.

    All losses were hard, but losing my mom’s step dad has been the hardest loss on me so far. I know my parents don’t have much time left here and that’s going to be really rough on me when their times come. I’m 40 and still not even close to ready for that.

  10. My stepdad’s parents died at 62 and 75, about 20 years apart. Apparently both of my biological grandmothers are alive, both around 85 years old, and I have zero relationship with either of them.

  11. I’m 42 and I lost my last two grandparents in the last two years. They were 86 and 82. My other grandparents lived to 71 and 91, and a set of great grandparents lived to 86 and 87.

  12. 3 for me. Both of my maternal grandparents, and then my paternal grandmother. Both grandmothers are the same age (74) and my one grandfather will be turning 80 this year.

  13. I’ve got two still around thankfully

    I’m 27. One is 66. The other is 68

    One passed while I was 2 or 3. I think he was 74 or 75 at the time. Idk how old my grandma was when she passed in 2015. I was 20 at the time

  14. My grandfather just passed, but when he died he was ten years older than my grandmother at 97 years old.

  15. My last two grandparents – both of my mom’s parents – both died last year (although I didn’t really know either of them, my mom has been estranged from them since before I was born). My maternal grandfather’s wife (so my step-grandmother) is still alive and kicking though, and she’s only in her mid-70s, so there was about a 20-year age difference between her and my grandfather. Cradle-robber.

  16. I got one left, all made it to over 90 years old, and the smallest age gap with me was 50 years.

  17. None. Both grandfathers died before I was born. Paternal grandmother died when I was 1. Maternal grandmother died when I was 12 and she was 78.

  18. I have 2 out of 3 left so far (Mother never met her father until just recently so he doesn’t count.) They all had their kids pretty young so I’m in my mid 20s, they are in their early 70s. My parents are in their early 50s for reference.

  19. My parents were divorced as long as I remember, and partially remarried, so I generally had six grandparents of some sort growing up. Pre-COVID, I had four. COVID took two of them, one passed away from non-COVID pneumonia a few weeks ago and now I have just one left and probably not for long. I also got to meet a few of my great grandparents.

  20. I’m 24, just lost my grandfather a few months ago at 75. All three other grandparents are still alive, between 75 and 83.

  21. None of them, my maternal grandparents died at 92 and 96, my paternal grandparents died… I don’t really remember because I was very young but they were in their early 70s.

  22. None. They all lived to be pretty old, but generational times in our family tend to be long.

  23. I’m in my 50s and my parents are gone and my grandparents are long gone. I lost them in the 1970s-1990s.

  24. None. When I was a kid, I had a 4 grandparents, 4 great grandparents and 1 great great grandparent still alive though. The last one died about 5 years ago or so.

  25. My first grandparent died when i was 8 in 1979, and he was 76. My last died in 2010 when I was 39 and she was 93. So age gap ranged from 68 to 54. The other gaps were 67 and 55 years for my other grandmother and grandfather.

  26. My last (and oldest-living) grandparent, my mom’s dad, died in 1999 at 91. My mom’s mom died before I was born in 1967 and my dad’s parents died in the 80’s.

  27. I have one grandparent left. They are 80, I’m 33 and their oldest grandchild. Their youngest grandchild is 21 and they have a 7 year old great-grandchild.

    Two of my grandparents were born in the 20s and died in 2003 and 2010. The other was born in 1938 and died in 2017. The largest age difference between any of them and a grandchild was 73 years, I believe. My grandparents were in their 40s and early 50s when they had my mom, nearly 20 years after her nearest sibling was born, which led to some weird scenarios where my aunt is more like a grandma and my cousins are more like aunts/uncles. My mom even had a nephew who was older than her.

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