Is it okay to enjoy your favourite Christmas foods (mince pies, turkey, Christmas pud) all year round, or do you think it should be restricted to the festive season only? Personally, I don’t see the harm in indulging in a mince pie or two outside of December. Would love to hear your thoughts on whether you think it’s acceptable or not.

  1. Every year I have Christmas Dinner for breakfast on a random Tuesday in March.

    March 14th 2017 was an especially delightful breakfast.

  2. Absolutely. Life is too short to limit yourself like this. My birthday is in the summer and I always have mince pies around then because I love them that much. You can by pastry and mincemeat all year round, so it is like shops are encouraging me to do so.

  3. I eat a normal meal on Christmas day, if I can do that and not give two hoots you can eat Christmas food every day if you want.

  4. It should be restricted, but only because it makes the season more special. It’s like creme eggs, apparently they are the best selling Cadbury’s chocolate as people buy more as they are restricted to the (extended) run up to easter

  5. I don’t see why not. Unless you’re eating a mouldy turkey sandwich from christmas, maybe avoid that.

  6. We need to ban the word “acceptable” from this sub. Anything is fine to eat at any time if you like it.

  7. No, it’s not ok. Don’t do it. If you do, I will personally hunt you down and see that you never do it again. Mark my words.

    /s coz I don’t wanna scare ya

  8. I’ve been known to slip a bag of sprouts into the shopping trolley once or twice per year outside of Christmas

  9. I bought a three bird roast for £2.99 on clearance out of Lidl and I’ve just eaten that over the last couple of days.

  10. Yep. I just bought 4 tube of Bistro “pigs in blankets” gravy granuals, reduced to 9p per tub. I didn’t even know they made a pigs in blankets gravy.

  11. No. Turkeys go into hibernation from the end of January until the start of December. Anyone who eats pigs in blankets during summer should automatically be issued with a £1000 fine.

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