Women who are organ donors, would you consider donating your face post-death? Why/why not?

  1. If someone has a use for it, why not? I made cream they could take everything they need. That surely also includes my face

  2. Sure. I wouldn’t be using it anymore and it’s not doing anybody any good rotting in a coffin.

  3. My face specifically? No. But it IS part of the package since I’m doing a whole-body donation to a medical school.

  4. You mean I finally get to be part of one of my all time favourite movies, Face/Off????

    Fuck yeah. I’m not using it. Please tell Nic Cage I love him.

  5. I’ve already donated my whole body to an organization that will dispose of anything that is left free of charge.

    I would be glad to give anybody any point that they could use.

    And I don’t want my family to be burdened with funeral costs. A memorial service at my church is fine. Nothing is also fine. Whatever they want. Funerals and memorials are for the living.

  6. I mean. *Only* if I’m promised it will be worn Learherface style by an eccentric millionaire.

    Jk. I wouldn’t care. I’m not using it anymore.

  7. They can take whatever is left and use it as needed; I do not care, other than that I do not want to be buried.

  8. Personally no. I’m an organ donor except heart and eyes. Face would also be something that I see as an integral part of me. But lungs, liver etc they’re more than welcome to

  9. Im dead and i loved my face while i had it. Im happy to pass it to someone who needs it more than me. Same for any other organ which is why i have signed up for everything.

  10. No. They can have all of my internal organs but i want my exterior to be intact (as far as possible given the circumstances of my death)

  11. I will be dead. I don’t care. If my body can help someone else live a better life, go for it.

  12. Sure. It probably wouldn’t even look the same with different eyes/bone structure so it’s not like they’d be turning into me. And even if they do I’m not too worried and it in my deceased state.

  13. No, I am listed as an organ donor but have opted out of eyes and I wouldn’t want them to use my face either.

    Eyes and face are very personal, whereas all the inside bits are just, well, inside bits!

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