What is the best memory you have with your best friend (use [M][F] and age) when you were teen, and are you still friends with them?

  1. (m) 14 with (m) 14, skipped class together and did all the rebellious things together, talked about anything under the sun with no restrictions or pretentiousness.
    Those were the days, no longer kept in contact after we have our own careers and family.

  2. My friend Seth and I used to campout in the woods behind my house. Just a really good time and a good friend. Seth struggle with Leukemia starting in 9th grade. He died not long after graduating high school.

  3. One of my favourites was back in high school, we were a group of dudes who were all friends, we tried to always get classes together and spend lunch judt shooting the shit.

    Graduation comes around, we decide to skip prom and hang out instead, so after the grad ceremony our group and a few others decide to all head out to Niagara falls (we live close by), all dressed to the nines, fucking around playing mini golf at night, enjoying the view, having a final hoorah since we know we wont see each other again.

    It was basically the last time I saw most of them (all but 2) and a great way to end things.

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