I’ve seen a lot of advice lately when it comes to getting to know someone that involves or boils down to “give them your instagram/twitter, it gives them a perspective on who you are and what you’re like”

My Instagram has no posts, at all, same with twitter. I just never saw a point cause I also don’t have followers. And I feel like if I ever gave someone either account they’d look at it and be weirded out by that. But for the life of me I cannot think of how to post like a human being, what’s normal? What’s normal things to post or say?

Ignoring my cripling self image issues where I feel like I’m the ugliest person to ever live, I also just don’t know how to take a selfie or if posting that sort of thing would seem vain. I don’t eat anything that would be worth taking a picture of. My hobbies are not exactly the kind of hobbies that are very photo-able or filmable. I’m at such a total and complete loss.

1 comment
  1. Instagram and social media is a facade. People only post the exciting stuff out of their lifes, thats how it works.

    If you wish to participate you dont need to do any selfies, post stuff from your holidays, landscape pics, if you and friends made a pic toghether and so on.
    Post stuff youre comfortable in posting.

    Im a late bloomer when it comes to Insta, and just got it for online dating recently (I am 27). I only have a profile pic and thats it. I did announce having insta in my friendcircle so I have some followers. Some of my friends dont have any pics posted aswell and some post quite alot, comes down to the person I guess.

    Again dont force yourself, it aint life ending and while insta is a good way to start contact with someone, you mainly use it for the chat function anyway. If shes interested she wont give a crap about your empty profile anyways.

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