I’ve been talking to a girl I met on tinder (we’ve met once before), she’s coming over later, and it’s been made clear we just want to hookup. (We explicitly said that’s what we want) How does one initiate sex in this scenario? And how do I do it in a safe way? I feel like I could easily just find myself awkwardly talking for 2 hours.
Thanks for the help!

  1. When I want it I just grab his dick,, I love when I knock on a door and I’m just greeted with a passionate kiss

  2. Start with a kiss. Move on from there. The kiss is a pretty obvious communication that lovemaking will progress.

  3. If all the expectations have been cleared, when she arrives just give her a solid kiss at the front door. Stay close for a minute. Then invite her in, take her coat, let her get a sense of the space and get comfortable. I would head to the kitchen while starting a conversation about pretty much anything. Have a couple of different types of drinks in sealed containers available, so if she wants a soda or water or beer or crack open a bottle of basic chardonnay or whatever. Have the oven on, not cooking anything, but preheated so you can toss in some bites if you want. Frozen egg rolls are fun. Nothing fancy, this is more about just getting comfortable with each other.

    And so there you are, standing in the kitchen, talking about whatever and she finishes her point and you just say, “You know, you look really great. C’mere.” And you hold your arms open for her to snuggle into them.

    She’ll come for a hug and you guys can make out in the kitchen for a while and then you can ask her, “Hey, you wanna go make out for a bit?” Which is a really easy thing for her to say yes to, because you’re already making out anyways.

    And I think you can handle the rest.

    Its also a really good idea to warm up some olive oil on medium low and toss in some chopped garlic about ten minutes before she gets there. Let that simmer for a minute and fill your house.

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