Who are the most important people in your lives, and why?

  1. Me , Myself and I . He’s the only one “I” trust , can only confide in “Myself” and the only one who will be there for “Me” without hesitation .

  2. In no particular order, my girlfriend, my friends, my family

    They are in my circle and they helped me have the confidence that I strive for

  3. My 3 sisters, my wife, and the kids.

    I lost my parents at a very young age. My older sisters raised me and are my only family. I would literally die for them. Well, wife and kids go without saying. They motivate me to be a better person.

  4. Me and my “chosen family”.

    They didn’t try to send me to conversion therapy, so I’d say they’re chill.

  5. Family bc they are always there for me for better or worse,gf bc we love and care for each other and have a special bond like no other,friends bc they can always give me a good laugh even in the worst of times,and teachers bc they always help guide and teach me towards my future and goals

  6. Easy, my best friend.

    The first contact came from a gut decision on my part. She asked on twitter if someone wanted to help build a website about depression, as it’s hard to find good information about it. At least here in germany.

    At that time, I was… how do I put it? People disappointed me one to many times. I shut myself in, never wanting to get in touch with anyone ever again.

    Still, I wrote her and said “Hey, I know a bit of HTML. It’s not much, but maybe I can help out.”. To this day, I don’t know why I did this. But it was the best decision of my life.

    Because she helped me out of this hole I put myself in. She broke the barricades I built around myself. Without knowing anything about it.


    So yeah. She’s the most important person in my live. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

  7. My wife, my two daughters, my two brothers, their children. These are the people I’d walk through fire for.

  8. I’ve got a pretty small friend group, ~5 people.

    Out of them, there’s two of them I’d say are the most important. I can talk about anything with them (and often do). We’re all in the same field. If I need to talk to someone, they’re the ones. Most importantly, I know where they stand morally.

    Glad to have them.

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