Before I (22f) started my internship I was so sad, I cried every night because I didn’t want to go 3 months without seeing my boyfriend (25m). Now I have been here for a week and I just don’t miss him. I don’t even feel like I need to call him/talk to him at any time… I live in a small town here so it’s not like I’m super busy and it’s not super exciting to be here; tbh nothing really happens around here but still I don’t miss my boyfriend at all. Somehow it even feels like being alone is good. Like I wouldn’t want him to be here now. Why do I feel this way? I do love him… has anyone had an experience like this?

Tldr: I’m abroad for an internship and don’t miss my boyfriend at all

  1. Don’t worry, it’s only been a week! It’s totally normal to not feel the strong urge to miss someone after such a short time.

  2. Freedom is wonderful at your age. It’s the time in your life to learn, grow, have adventures, meet new people, think about yourself, pursue your interests.

  3. It’s over and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You are young on an adventure. His life went on when you left. So did yours. Go be young and enjoy it because it will be gone before you know it.

  4. You are growing as a person in a very important time of life. Your relationship is in the context of the former you, and everyday it’s less relevant. And it’s liberating not to be with any other person sometimes.
    But the heart of the relationship may be healthy enough to survive. Just give it more time and your inner self will know.

  5. Some people are better with separation than others. I know when I had to do a 2 week business trip in another country, I totally enjoyed myself, with maybe a call to my partner to touch base once i got back to the hotel after leaving work, enjoying dinner, and seeing the sights.

    My co-worker, on the other hand, was constantly on the phone to his wife, making him unable to enjoy the same business trip. Soon as dinner was done, he went back to the hotel to continue talking to his wife. We didn’t see him again until the next morning when it was time for breakfast and getting ready to go to work.

    3 months is not much in the grand scheme of things, and if you were able to adjust to it and take advantage of the trip and the environment you’re in, this kind of internship abroad will usually have life-changing or life-affecting emotions for you.

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